Chapter four

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Scarlett's POV

" it's her" I whispered as we left and Colin looked at me with a small smile " I think you're right but we still have to be sure scar" and i nodded I really hope we've found her. Maybe we're going about this all wrong maybe we should of let the lawyer sort this but I can't wait and now we've had lunch even if it's not I still feel so protective over her. I don't want any harm in that kids life. And we'll we need a nanny and Sarah has always bragged about her so yeh I trust her to look after my kids. She seems normal not like the others who just seem. Like they are robots no she's gonna care for them like her siblings. They may be her siblings but I don't know how she'd react no point in dragging anything up until we're sure.

Novas POV

" is there anything you'd like to change?" Kirsten asked me while I read the contract over and I shook my head it's actually a lot in my benfit really I mean I get paid 15x what I was and I have free accommodation with them. I only help Scarlett out and I travel with her. I kinda play an assistant sometimes but also not. I get as many days off aslong as I can let them know a week in advance so they can have it covered. I mean this seems a amazing

" why does Scarlett need me?" I asked and Kirsten looked down and then back up " Colin's gone at work a lot and two is a lot so she needs a extra pair of hands"
And in nodded that's actually so helpful I'm just helping her instead of doing it all alone everyday. The contract seems more in my benefit then anything so yeh  I took the pen and signed. " congratulations nova you're gonna do amazing  and the kids will love you" and I nodded  as she hugged me.

" okay so I'll take you back to the hotel you're flight back to England is tonight and then you're next flight back is on Sunday. Is that okay?" Ans I stopped " could I not stay here!" And she looked at me confused " we just assumed you'd want to go back and say goodbyes and bring you're things" and I nodded " yeh yeh you're right" and as we sat in the act she asked " what's going on you don't seem like you wnat to go back?" Ans I sighed " there won't be any goodbyes to make but I do need my stuff so yeh I will need to go" Ans she nodded slowly at me " I thought you had siblings?" Ans I nodded " yeh but it's complicated I wish it wasn't but it is" and she hummed " it's okay I get that is that why you're moving far away?" And I nodded " yep not like anything's holding  me back or ever has and I wanted to move away so" and she nodded  " okay well I'll see you on Sunday okay take care of yourself" and I nodded hugging her goodbye I got out of the car and I sighed this is the start of something good.

I decided that's I'd stay in until I had to leave for my flight  which I did and now I'm here at the airport ready to leave and come back. " nova lets get you back so we can get you here again" Kennedy said and I smiled " you know?" And she nodded " yes well I saw I had my return flight on Sunday instead of the sams day so we all assumed you'd gotten the job" and I smiled " I did and I'm sorry you had to stay longer" and she shook her head " no not at all it's our jobs" and I nodded that's really nice of her.

The flight was relaxed and as soon as it was over I got up and headed for a hotel. I'll grab my stuff tomorrow and I'll stay here in the hotel. I did fall asleep straight away I swear I feel so much lighter knowing I'm not going back there.

I got up the next day and I knew I had laptop of stuff that I could just leave I just needed stuff to get me by until I got paid and I could get myself more. I used my keys to get into the house and I knew no one was home they should be at work and school. The mission was to get in and out as fast as I could. I grabbed another suit case and I started to put clothes in and toiletries. I decided a lot of my clothes were old so I didn't need to bring them. I did pack all my shoes and make up even if most of it's gone. It seems that since I've been gone someone's been in my stuff but it's okay no need to worry when I'll be in another country I don't even wear it so it's fine. I zipped the suit case up and I got downstairs only to see my mother stood with a angry look. " so not only do you blank me you then break into my house and steal" and I scoffed " I still live here and it's my stuff" and she scoffed back at me " you ungrateful little brat we should of given you up I always said it. I let you stay here under my roof and now you leave without saying a word" and I laughed " I'm leaving and I have been paying rent since I was 10" and that's when she stood infornt of the door " you're not leaving with my suitcase" and I grabbed my bag and pulled out £30 " that is more then it cost so treat yourself and that's the last time I give you money bye" and. It seemed to register to her what I said " what?! I'm you're mother you can't not give me money" and I scoffed " I don't live here anymore so no bye" I said leaving out the back door. Oh that felt good and I'm glad my dad wasn't there because I wouldn't have walked out of that house for speaking to her like that. He'd have either killed me or beaten me no matter what my age aghast my punishment.

I walked it to my hotel and got into my room. This has been a long day and I deserve to just sleepa way all the pain of my whole life.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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