Chapter fourty Nine

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Novas POV

Wow is all I could think " yeh well I never had anyone to cuddle she has the kids and you" and he rolled his eyes " you get that from her" wnnsi scoffed " get what?" And he shook his head again but a small smile " being this stubborn this is Such  a Scarlett thing to do. She loves  you and she has the momentshe met you. We had a suspicion but we never knew for sure  and then she did the DNA text and she found out she is" and I held my breath because I don't know what to do " she knew and anyway how did she find out I was her kid you know at first glance ".

Now I'm upset and hurt and I mean can he just  go away so I've just got  right ignoring him when he says anything without  staying in my own happy dream so I don't deal with any of this.

Scarlett's POV

I hope they  are both okay because them being alone after all of this I don't know if nova is being nice with Colin. He didn't know poor guy but I did so I get why she hates it.  I can't be asked with any of this but why's are the odds she find the bag and the documents just before I went  out to find her and tell her. It would of been better from my mouth.

I groaned in frustration and then I saw Colin come done the stairs. A little of my hope spiked but he looked at me with a smile that didn't make me hopeful anymore " so?" And he sighed scratching his head " she's not sure what to do. She's feeling like shit and I can't blame her if he the same" and I nodded sitting back down " do you ever think she'll let me be her mother?" and he came to sit next to me and wrapped an arm around me " she will in time I think. I believe you two will be fine" and I nodded but I know I can't wait I want custody of her and I hadn't stopped the process I'm just now waiting on the court to get back to me. " you know you should tell her everything from now on" and I nodded well She's seen the documents so she knows I'm trying to get custody of her. She's my child I can do what I want. That came out more aggressive then I'd thought it. " Colin?" And he hummed " do you think she'll let me braid  her when she forgive me?" Which made him laugh yeh it's a silly question but I wanna lighten the mood.

Novas POV

I came downstairs and I sighed I have to work today yay! Now usually I love my job but seeing Scarlett after all of this I'd rather the ground swallow me up thank you. I got to the kitchen and a little blonde ran straight into my legs " nova!" and I remember that Scarlett didn't matter. This kids my sister but she has no clue, I'm her nanny and I'm not gonna take out my feeling towards her parents on her or her brother. I'm not horrible. I picked her up and smiled " hey blonde how are you? Have you eaten?" and he nodded Turing to look at the others " yeh mama made chocolate pancakes and dad made omelettes" and I nodded " nova why don't you come here and take a seat to eat?" Colin asked and I looked to see Scarlett sat with Cosmo and I shook my head " I'm fine thank you I'm gonna get her ready" I said taking rose up to her room " are you okay nova?" And I nodded " you didn't say good morning to mama like you always do?" Fuck sake I forgot she's 7 not 4. She picks up on stuff like this and now I don't know what to say to her " we're okay sweetheart now what do you wanna wear" not the biggest lie but a lie is a lie never the less. I don't know if she'll ever tell them about how I'm there older sister. For some reason that hurts me more then her not telling me at all. Because now I'm over thinking I mean she never wanted me in the first place right? She never wanted me and now she's got me living here but I mean I'm her nanny I'm not here as her daughter. I have a job to do as much s it hurts me to know it I have to ignore it my job and the kids come first.

I got rose ready for the day and came down to see Scarlett stood cleaning the kitchen so I took it as my opportunity. " Scarlett?" And she turned so fast I don't know if she's got whiplash form it " yeh baby?" And I felt my heart clench wtf. I don't like this it's to different feeling these feelings. " I'd like to move past all of this for my job. We can ignore it and I'll stay the nanny to rose and Cosmo if you think you'd prefer someone else I'd like two weeks notice before hand that's all thanks" I said and I left the room.

Scarlett's POV

I don't know how I wanted her to say but that wasn't it. I'd never fire her this is her job. But the fact she wants  to forget she's my daughter makes my stomach turn.i felt like crying but I had to say something to her first. She'd left but I went after her " nova" and she turned her head looked so hurt and that made me what to hug her but I shoudnt push my luck " you're job is yours" and she sighed she was relieved she actually thought I'd fire her. " and-" buts he cut me off " there snorting more to say then thanks Scarlett" and she said walked out the door to the garden. She left me stood there to think about how I could of raised her. How I should of put my baby first.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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