Chapter sixty nine

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Novas POV

" novie?" Oh she can fuck right off. I rolled my eyes and moved away from her mom and carried on walking it does not help at all that we are in the middle of fuck knows where. " baby please" and I scoffed "
Go away" I said but she'd ran in front of me and was walking backward because my ass wasn't stopping to listen to whatever bullshit she was going to say "baby just hear me out" and I stopped and looked at her you know what fuck being nice. Fuck all of this I just can't. " what?! What do you actually want? You didn't have anything to say back there and now you've got words" and she winced " nova look it's-" ans I rolled my eyes and did my Scarlett voice " it's complicated." And she shut up then. " no it's no Scarlett! Not only did she use racial slurs against me she humiliated me infornt of you're whole family! And what did you my so called mom have to say to defend me nothing! You said nothing at all! You let her say those horrible things and hurt me what because it's complicated?! How the fuck am I supposed to trust you in any way when you couldn't give a shit about someone being so horrible towards me" and it's like the anger  just went and I felt upset " you didn't even speak" I whispered but she took my hand and instead of talking to me she pulled me back to the place where they all were. I tried to stop and make her stop dragging me but she's fucking strong. I saw Colin stood there looking like steam was coming out of his ears but he's another one who didn't speak. " oh god you brang it back" the old cow said and Scarlett let go of my hand and went right up to her face while pointing " enough you bitch! You don't speak about my child like that! You get away with so many comments on all of us and no one speaks because we respect our olders. I've dealt with the fat shaming  and the sexist comments but I draw the line at my kids" and the old lady was about to speak but Colin did " no you don't! Since I've been in the family all I see is they tip toe around you but you're just a bully and I'll be damned if you think it's acceptable to speak to my daughter like that" and I looked  up at that. He called me his daughter infornt of them all.

" I said to you this is what Hollywood does to you people. You let you're imagination run wild, they all agree with me about her don't you" and eveyone made a look of disgust and moved away from her " no we don't. She's a kid for fuck sake. And she's family but even so you shoudnt speak about anyone like that" Adrian said. " you're not serious" she said clearly confused but they all spoke " we are" ans the lady rolled her eyes and stood " well I never liked any of you little shits. You're just like you're grandmother" and that's when I felt an arm around me and Melanie spoke " atleast her family didn't hate her. She took pity on you but I don't. Get out and don't come back and you're lucky I don't drag you out myself for what you did to my grandbaby" and the lady scoffed  and walked away. They all looked relieved but I dunno I still feel weird. Like I don't belong here. Yeh she stuck up for me and Colin did but this all might be a sign. " how about you and me go on a Walk hmmmm ?" Melanie asked me she was speaking quietly and I nodded she smiled and nodded back. " where are you going I wanted to talk to her" Scarlett said but Melanie kept one arm around me and the other she held up to Scarlett " we're going on a walk you can wait" and she didn't wait and led me off. I'm glad I've gotten away from them all because I can breath.

" talk to me" she said and I shrugged what can I say really? No one listens to me when I do. " they love you. I can see you don't believe it. But I know my daughter and that girl was never the same after she lost you" and I shook my head " she didn't lose me" and she spoke " I know you don't believe her. I wouldn't honestly with everything that's happened and today I mean I'm disappointed that they didn't speak up for you. I raised them all better then that. But I'm glad Scarlett's head is screwed on enough to know she is you're mother and it's her job to protect you even if you don't want it." And I sighed " her and Colin they don't need me they have a happy family" and she nodded " you're right they did. But you make them happier. Not just my Scarlett but Colin too. Even rose and Cosmo and I bet you that family you keep seeing won't be the same without you" and I was just left to think that maybe she's right. " I don't think I can feel okay with all of this" and she smiled at me " you don't have to. No one can expect you too but baby they aren't mind readers Scarlett especially. You've gotta talk to her and tell her so she knows" and I nodded great communication when was i ever good at that.  I suck wt talking dr lipshits will tell you that himself but Scarlett she's still hard for me to trust. " I don't know if I can trust them" and she smiled at me " I promise you that Scarlett would kill for you. Scarlett never speaks back to anyone older that's how I raised them but today she put aside all of what I told her and saw that her little girl was being harassed and well mama bear don't play. And Colin never ever speaks in any family conflict but he did when it came to you" and I hummed I get it I really do it's just difficult  for me. Yeh I sound daft but it is.


Remember to drink water

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Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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