Chapter 22

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The Spring Festival is approaching, and people have started to "busy year" since childhood. Only a few snow falls this winter. Although the weather is still cold, there is no snow on the road. Taking advantage of the warm sunshine today, Jiang Nuan and the others plan to go to the county seat. Buy New Year's Goods.

    After the pork was distributed a few days ago, everyone was called to collect money and distribute rations to centimeters!

    The production team of Qingshui Village will first pay half of the centimeters to the members every month, and the rest is to calculate the annual dividends based on the sum of the scores of the employees before the new year. The whole family in the village relies on the work points earned in the production team to support their families. Children go to school, clothes and shopping, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar and other expenses are included, and life is tight.

    This year's harvest is good. The centimeter single is worth 5 cents, which is 1 cent more than the previous year. The rations everyone received also increased by more than ten kilograms, which made everyone happy! This year can be a good year!

    After the big guys received the money and food, they all clasped them in their hands and covered them tightly, laughing from ear to ear. This is their hard-earned money for a year!

    Jiang Nuan only went to the countryside in summer, and she didn't have to work in winter. She only worked for more than three months after full calculation. Usually 5 centimeters, but 10 during the rush. This time, she shared only ten yuan, a small bag of refined grain and Big bags of whole grains. Except for the newly arrived educated youth, everyone else got a lot of money. After all, it was the money and food rations that the family got from working for a year.


    After Jiang Nuan and the others came to the county seat, at a glance, red lanterns and ornaments were hung outside the shops on the street. It was a peaceful scene of the New Year, and the atmosphere of the Spring Festival was very strong.

    New Year’s Eve is approaching, buying New Year’s goods is a family’s top priority. The streets are bustling with people coming and going, and they are all busy buying New Year’s goods in department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives. Difference!

    Jiang Nuan and his educated youth decided to buy New Year's goods together, Spring Festival couplets, blessing characters, window grilles, firecrackers, chickens, ducks, pigs, fish, flour and other items.

    Everyone divided into several paths, and soon everyone returned with a full load of things in their hands.

    Jiang Nuan also went to the post office to see if there was a letter addressed to her. Sure enough, it was a letter and a large package.

    After getting on the donkey cart, Jiang Nuan couldn't wait to open the letter. It turned out that the grandfather and the others wanted to bring her back to the city. Yes, they will be reunited soon.

    She also wanted to go back to the city, after all, she really didn't want to do farm work every day, and it was more convenient for her to start a business and make a lot of money in the city!

    Continuing to look down, she wrinkled her nose, and the letter said that Grandpa Xu sent some New Year's goods and asked her to bring them to Xu Yan.

    Her black question mark face, she was puzzled, why asked her to give it to him? She has to go so far! It's not that he can't leave the station himself, and he helped him with the package last time...

    Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered that last time he helped her with the package and beat the short man for her, Jiang Nuan blinked, and suddenly felt guilty. Up, people helped him so much, she didn't seem to have thanked him solemnly.

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