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Welcome My people to the world my Imagination.
First off, Thank you for giving this book a chance of all the millions out there you chose mine. I'm grateful.

Second, I started this book when I was 12 and let's just say it's a little rough in the beginning but it gets better. I promise.

I'm 17 now so I'm sure my writing has improved a lot. Don't give up on me just yet. Hehe.

Third, This is my work. From my brain. So please don't copy. You won't make it into heaven if you do that.
(I'm pretty serious)

Also, There will be an update every week!! I'm trying to balance my normal everyday life with writing.

I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoy writing it and I'm going to be doing some major editing when the book's over.

Thank you once again for checking my book out.

This feels like a damn speech.

Without any more hiatus......


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