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Dedicated to all my readers!

Chapter 28.


Turns out Rigel has no interest in harming me. Yet.

I had been here for five days according to Giovanni. He's the one who had been coming in to check if I was still alive. They gave me food but I rejected the majority of it. It could be poisoned for all I know.

I was on the verge of loosing it. I was tired, fustrated and dirty. I was still dressed in the same dress I wore to Christian's birthday. I was a mess.

I didn't even glance up as someone walked in.
"Is she asleep?"

I frowned. What the hell? I looked up at the people before me.
The girl had brown hair and blue eyes. While the boy had dark hair and brown eyes. Who the fuck are these people?

"Oh she's not." The girl muttered as the boy rolled his eyes.

"Names and what you're here for." I snapped as they blinked at me in shock.

"I'm Tristan. She's Carla." He introduced.

"What do you want Trident?" I snapped angrily. He frowned at me as the girl nudged him.
"We don't have enough time. We're here to sneak you out." Carla explained and I just stared.

"I think you're in the wrong cell." I stated as Tristan groaned. "She never told us she'll be this difficult." He muttered but I caught it.

"Who's she?" I leveled him with a stern glare. He shrank. "Now's not the time. Hurry up." Carla hissed. She was already loosing the ropes that bound my legs while Tristan freed my hands.

"Nice boots. These are framing expensive." She exclaimed and I scoffed. And this was one of the shoes I thought was cheap.

Once I was finally untied, I flexed my wrists. "What now?" I asked looking at Carla. It seemed she was the one who knows what she's doing.

Trident can go back to meet Poseidon.

"We have just less than 10 minutes to leave this property. All the men are in a meeting. We've already taken out the few guards on standby. My father will soon notice my absence." She explained.


"She's Alexia's step sister." Tristan supplied. I nodded before following them out the door.
Once we we're finally outside in the open, a ridiculously loud alarm was heard.

"Didn't you disable all the alarms?!" Carla hissed at Tristan. He nodded.

"Um, I think I triggered that one." I said.

Giovanni had installed some sort of detector on my bracelet. I didn't think it was important. Well, shit.

"Come on! Go! I'll hold them off!" Carla yelled. I wanted to protest but Tristan grabbed my hand dragging me towards a car.

He got in and started the car. We were currently being fired at. I glanced back in worry.

"Don't worry. She's as good as Alexia. She was trained by her." Tristan said noticing.

I sighed.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he crossed the gates of the property.
I screamed as the windshield shattered.

"Shit! Carla said this car was bulletproof!" He yelled as he swerved dangerously trying to escape the men chasing us in the car behind us.

"You picked the wrong one idiot!!" I yelled. I cursed as I ducked. It was raining bullets.

I reached for the glove compartment and opened it. I found a gun and loaded it.

"What are you doing? You're going to hurt yourself!" Tristan yelled.
I glared at him.

"You don't who I am?" I asked still loading the gun. He shook his head. I smirked as I pulled of the safety.

"I'm Nikolai Smirov's granddaughter and goddaughter to Lorenzo Bianchi." I said as he stared in shock.

"Eyes on the road Trident!"

I lowered the window and stuck half my body out and shot at the car. I was aiming for the tyres.
"Sharp turn!"

I screamed.

I wasn't quick enough to get back in as my head smashed the side mirror. The tyres screeched as Tristan sped up even faster. Ignoring the blood trickling down the side of my face, I focused my aim and shot both front tires of their car. The car turned over and crashed.

Sighing, I sat back. "You good?" I ignored Tristan. "Shut up." I wheezed.

He drove on for a few hours before stopping at a local shop where Carla finally joined us.

"You need to get that checked." She advised as we pulled up in front of my house. So I was still in America? Huh.

"I'm fine. Come on. I'm sure everyone is home." I said stepping out of the car.

We all got to the front door and I waited as I listened to the conversation happening inside.

"Lucian let me go! I have to go help her! She's my best friend!!" I smiled slightly.

"Calm down Princess."

"Enough. We're sending out another search party tonight." Lorenzo's voice came through.

Pushing the door open, I walked in.

"There's no need." I said. They all stared at me. Shocked.

My parents, grandparents even Christian's parents were here. Lucian stared in shock with his jaw hanging.

"Jeanna!" I hugged Lexi back as she sobbed. "You're okay!" I managed a smile. I wasn't okay. My head was still leaking alot of my O+ blood.

My mother pulled me into her embrace as she cried. I moved from hug to hug.

"Where's Christian?" I asked.


I turned around. He stood at the foot of the stairs staring at me in shock. I took a few steps towards him but he covered the distance quickly and pulled me into his arms. I cried as I hugged him.

I missed him so much.
"I missed you." I cried as he kissed my forehead.
As we pulled away my grandma gasped.

"Sweetie...." I glanced at what she was looking at Christian's white T shirt was stained with my blood.

The full effect of what just occurred a few hours ago kicked in as I swayed. Christian caught me and carried me in his arms.

"She needs to get that checked." Lorenzo said pulling out his phone and calling someone.

"Do we call an ambulance?" Elena asked.
"Not wise dear." Jake said.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness. Did these people not see I was dying right here?

"She's losing a lot of blood by the minute!" Christian yelled at everyone.

"She'll be fine. Hopefully. I had snuck some drugs into her drink earlier." Carla piped in.

Sneaky bitch.

I finally felt the darkness envelope me into a much needed drug induced sleep.


QOTD- Who do you think sent Carla and Tristan?

See ya later Boos!
Lots of love,

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