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Hey Babies! It's me. Again. Hehe.




"I am gonna trip and fall flat on my face" I whined.
"Suck it up Jeanna. You look amazing" Diana encouraged.
I sighed. Mandy had gotten me a somewhat brownish pink sparkly dress with straps to a sweetheart neckline. It was floor length and hugged my body in all the right places. In other words, it was absolutely freaking gorgeous.

"Let's go in then" I mumbled as Mandy hooted. The hall was packed with Students as they danced and laughed with anyone around them.
Feeling my self get loose I smiled as Mandy dragged us onto the dance floor.
We danced for a while before Diana whispered she needed to use the bathroom and I offered to follow her.

"This place is awesome! I didn't know Brittany could pull off something like this" Diana said as she washed her hands. "Wait Brittany organized this whole thing?!" I asked in shock.
"Yeah technically. She's the head of the group that's in charge. As the Principal's daughter she gets whatever she wants" she explained.
"That explains a lot. She's a snobby bitch and acts like a freaking princess" I Muttered as She snickered. A few girls in the room glanced at me but I could care less.

"You guys Done?" Another voice sneered. I frowned at Kayla. One of Brittany's minions.
"Yes. We're just leaving" Diana snapped then dragged me out of the ladies.
"I hate to break it to you but Kayla's lucky. I was this close to punching her in the face" I gestured with my thumb and index finger. Diana laughed.
"Whoever thought it was a good idea to enroll you in self defense classes is crazy" She teased as I smirked.

It was almost 11pm and I was getting bored.
"You seem bored"
I blinked in shock. Why is Christian Williams talking to me?
"That's cause I am" I drawled out as I gazed at the sea of students dancing tirelessly. He chuckled.
"Have you had any drinks?" He asked and I glared at him. "Nice try Bozo. Get the hell away from me" I Seethed. I started walking away but he grabbed my arm.

"No! That's not what I'm trying to do. I was just making an offering" He explained. I scoffed.

"Offering? Do I look like a sacrifice to you?" I deadpan and he smiled.
Damn him and his Godlike looks.

Christian was fucking Handsome. He had Dark hair and the most mesmerizing deep Blue ocean eyes. He was 6 feet 3 and basically every girl would die for him. He was a depiction of Male Model.

"Come on. Juice wouldn't hurt you." He took my hand in his and led me to the tables filled with all sort of edibles.

Like I was in a trance, I quietly followed. "People are staring. It's annoying" I grumbled. He leaned closer to my 5 foot 7 self. "Just ignore them. Right now, it's you and me" He whispered.

You and Me.



It's short. I know! I'm trying to work around each character slowly. Please comment and share with your friends.

QOTD: Do you like K-pop?
I definitely do!

See ya at the next one.
Lots of love Babies!

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