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Hey People! Another update!


Growing up in a family like mine, I had everything a child would want. My parents love, a sister and every provision I needed.

At that age, it was bliss.

Few Years ago...

I stared in worry as my friends and I walked along side the building. We were strictly told not to come here.

Yasmine had convinced me to come along and here we are.

"Mia! Stop breathing so loud!" May hissed and I rolled my eyes at her.
"Keep your voices down ladies."

We all turned to Terry. He was older and was leading this whole operation.

"I still think this is a bad idea." I muttered as we easily made it into the house.

We had heard about a mafia member coming to town and Terry and Yasmine were eager to spy and check him out.

They wanted to boast about it at school and to take photos of his house as proof. Our parents obviously warned us never to come here but we're the bunch that never listens.

I stood quietly in the background as we stared at his house. The interior was beautiful. It looked old style yet modern.

"Isn't it suspicious that we got in here so easily?" May asked clinging to my side.
We both were still uncertain about this.

Terry and Yasmine ignored us and continued exploring.

"Hi guys! It's Yas! I'm in a creepy building that belongs to the maf--" I snatched her phone quickly.

Was she seriously doing a Livestream? We could be tracked and killed.

"Seriously Yas? IG?" May rolled her eyes as Yasmine took her phone back. She took a few steps away before continuing her live stream.

"I have a bad feeling about this place. Terry, Yas let's get out of here." I said as they looking at me.

The unmistakable sound of a gun safety being clicked off made us freeze.

"You're not going anywhere Darling."

The man glared at us in anger. I could understand why. This was breaking and entering.

"I should kill you right now." He spat. We all stood in fear as more men poured into the room and tied us up.

"Hey Dad! I'm back. What the---"

I stared up at the boy with dark hair and stormy grey eyes.

"Son. Glad you could join us. I found some stowaways lurking around our property." His Dad said to him and he glanced at all of us.

"Please let us go! We won't say a word to anyone." Terry pleaded and someone hit him. May and Yas gasped in shock while I stared, stunned.

This didn't phase me all that much. I had seen stuff like this happen. I visit my grandparents all the time.

"What are your names?" The boy asked sounding bored.

"I'm May Walker."

"Terence Holden."

"Yasmine Rose."

They stared at me expectantly. I couldn't exact just tell them my name. I sighed.

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