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Dedicated to all my readers!

Chapter 27.


I groaned as I blinked trying to get familiar with my surroundings. Where the hell am I? What the fuck happened?
I was in a tiny room that looked like a closet with barely anything in it.

The only source of light was the very dim bulb that hang dangerously on the ceiling.

Oh Lord.

99% of my mind hoped this was some sort of prank by the squad but that 1% knew this was the real deal.

I got kidnapped.

I struggled with the ropes that bound me to a chair. There was no way I was going to get out of here alone. I didn't even know where the heck I was.

I looked up as the door was forced open. I stared at the man before me as he smirked down at me. Three other men who served as bodyguards stood against the wall watching quietly.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing."

I shivered in disgust.

"Who are you?" I finally asked. He laughed like I just told the funniest joke in the world and I glared at him.
"Are you done? Or should I wait some more?" I sneered and he went silent and frowned at me.

"You have some guts little one." He said. Ew. Little one?

"Why am I here?" I asked. I really didn't feel like chatting with this bastard before me. "You're here because you're going to be my bait. I'll finally get what I deserve." He said with a mischievous smile.

I swallowed.

Baby steps Jea. He could kill you.

"I don't speak Crazy." I spat. I felt the urge to slap myself. He only smirked before nodding at one of his guards. I watched warily as he approached me.

I felt the pain before my ears could register the sound of being slapped. I blinked in shock as I tasted my own blood.

"That fucking hurt." I hissed glaring at all of them. Their boss seemed surprised.
"You're just like Alexia. You both are adamant." He snapped and I raised an eyebrow.

So this was Lexi's Father. Ugly piece of shit.
He was actually pretty good-looking but that didn't matter. He's a bastard.

"So you're Rigel? You're the stupid idiot that has been threatening my life?!" I was so angry and scared.

He smirked. "The very same."

"Okay so now that you've got me, what else do you want?" I asked. I needed to know his plan in order to ruin it.

He snapped his fingers and another chair was brought and he sat before me. I ignored the way his eyes ran down my body.

"You don't know how important you are, do you?" I frowned. What did that mean? He nodded at my clueless face.

"You my dear could be a possible heir to the Russian mafia. Your uncle already refused the title should your grandfather step down. Your mum also rejected it leaving her first child as the next successor since you don't have any cousin from that side of the family. And you seem to be of some importance to Bianchi so far that he threatened to wipe out my mafia. You're truly an asset." He said with a sick smile.

I was quiet. If what he said is true..... Then everyone is in danger.

"What do you want?" I spat. He smirked and pulled out a picture. I paled. It was a picture of Christian and I as we both were smiling at each other in the kitchen. This was yesterday. His birthday.

"This is how close my men and I are to the ones you love and he'll be the first one we take out."

Someone else walked into the room. He was beaten up and covered in blood yet his steps didn't falter. I recognized him as Giovanni. Lexi had shown me a picture of him before.
"There's a problem." He announced barely glancing at me.

"What is it?" Rigel asked standing to his feet.
"Alexia was just rescued by Lucian." He said. My eyes grew wide. I only hoped Lexi was okay.

Rigel cursed before turning to his guards. "You two bring her to the conference room. You go set up a video call with Bianchi. Now!!"

What was he planning on doing now?


I rolled my eyes as tons of men moved around me. I was brought to the said conference room and tied up in a chair. Rigel stood behind me with a gun aimed at my head.

Everyone waited as the call rang through. Lucian's face came into view but he couldn't see me seeing as Giovanni was blocking me from sight.

Lucian smirked. "Did you miss me already that you had to call?" He teased. Giovanni moved aside and Lucian's smirk dropped.

"What the fuck?! Let her go now!" He growled. I smiled weakly.

"What's going on?" My mother's voice.

"Is that Her?" Serenity.

"I want to see her!" Christian.

"Rigel." Lorenzo's face was void of emotion as he came into view.

"Glad you came out of hiding. I have my golden ticket." Rigel mocked as I scoffed.

"Call me another word related object again and I'll break your arm." I snarled.

He pressed the gun against my temple. "Shut the fuck up." He hissed.

I stared in shock as my grandparents walked into the frame as well. They looked livid. "Wow. The whole family came together how sweet." Giovanni scoffed.

"Fuck you Giovanni!" Lexi couldn't be seen but she was definitely heard.

Pissed, Giovanni punched me. I gasped in pain. What the fuck was that for??
"Don't you dare lay another finger on her." My grandpa threatened. Giovanni scoffed and grabbed my hair in a fist and slapped me. I winced. There goes my pretty face, I thought.

"Enough!" Grandma looked ready to jump through screens to get to me. "Stop playing around. Back to the reason I called." Rigel called out as Giovanni smirked and stepped back.

"You're going to do as I say or she dies." He said and I paled at the sound of the safety being removed.

Lorenzo was staring at me. I nodded. I'm a tough cookie. I hope.

"Do whatever you want Stollo." He said.

"What the fuck Bianchi!!" Christian yelled. I wanted to see his face so bad.
"Yes. What the fuck?" Giovanni echoed in confusion.

"Take her back to her cell. Giovanni? Do as you please." Rigel ordered and I gasped. No!

"Don't fucking touch me! Please!" I screamed. I glanced back at the screen and behind my grandparents, Lucian had a hold on Christian.


I blinked back tears before I was dragged away. Whatever Lorenzo's plan is better be good or else I'll kill him. This is my life on the line that he gambled.

Giovanni smirked as he dragged me along. "I'm gonna have so much fun with you." He whispered and I recoiled in disgust.

Oh God.

Hey! Thoughts?

QOTD-What do you think will happen next?
Wish I could tell you now. Hehe.

See ya at the next one Babies!
Lots of love,

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