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Chapter 32.

Christian's POV:

I was so damn confused. Jeanna was currently mad at me and I don't know why. I tried calling and sending texts, I still am but she's not responding. I think she blocked my number already.

I ran a hand through my hair fustrated. I had practically said I love you to her. That wasn't how it was supposed to go. I had planned a date and everything and was waiting for her to come back so I could take her there, Tell her I love her and make her my girlfriend.

Instead I was met with the most absurd accusations ever. Why on Earth would she think I would plant notes in her room? I'm literally going crazy over the fact that Alexia's psycho dad wants her dead now she think I work for him?

Why the hell would I do that? I'd rather work for Lorenzo than that Mexican Bastard.

Serenity stormed into my room, before I could process anything, I only felt the stinging on my cheek.

"Ow! What was that for?" I snapped as she glared at me.
"I was just told you're the one who planted notes in Jeanna's room. Is this some sort of game you're playing?!" She yelled and I threw my hands, fustrated.

"I didn't do it. Why is no one going to believe me?!" I cried out. She scoffed.
"I saw you. I saw you take notes from a man." She said and I frowned.

What the fuck is she saying?

"What do you mean?" I asked and she handed me her phone and I watched the video waiting to be played.

"Dude, that's not me!" I protested. It really wasn't.
"Stop lying Chris. It's clearly your face. Are you saying I can't recognise you anymore?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Thats not what I'm saying Smartass. Why is his or my face so visible and the other dude is not? It's literally night time yet my face is as clear as day." I said and she frowned.

Obviously they didn't think about that. I was sure this was what Jeanna saw and she believed it was me.

"And Serene? This dude posing as me is way taller! Did no one even observe shit before blaming me?!" I snapped in anger as she kept watching the video over an over.


I rolled my eyes again.

"Oh my God! This isn't you! According to Alexia this video was gotten last week Thursday." She said.

Just great. Last week Thursday, Tyson, James, Ian and I had left town for our Thursday boys night. We had made it a tradition since girls usually do Friday nights. I wasn't even home.

"It's sad how much faith you all have it me. Really." I said and walked out.

"Christian! Wait! I'm sorry." Serenity called but I ignored her. I need to think.


I sat on the same bench I sat on the last time I was here at the park. I could've gone straight to the spot where I took Jeanna last time but I didn't.

The park was almost empty seeing as the sun was starting it's descent but I didn't move from my spot.

Why do things always have to be a screw up when it comes to Jeanna and I?

"You need company?"

I looked up and frowned. The same girl who met me here last time. Is she following me around?

"Who the fuck are you? Are you stalking me?" I demanded and she raised both hands in defense.

"I don't mean any harm. Just trying to help." She said and I stared at her. Why did she look so familiar with that brown hair and blue eyes?

"Who are you?"

"I'm Amelia. Mia Jackson." I could only stare. This was Jeanna's sister?!
"What the actual fuck? You're Mia?" I asked and she nods.

She sits beside me at a respectable distance and I just watch her. "Yes. I'm Mia." She said with a small smile.

Jesus. She looks so much like Jeanna.

"Why are you here? You obviously want to say something to me." I said and she sighed.
"I'm really sorry for the way things turned out between you and Jeanna. It's my fault." She said confusing me further.

"I don't think it is. It's not your fault." I countered. She only smiled. "It is. Seeing as I'm the one putting those notes in her room but ended up framing you." She explained and my eyes go wide.


"I can explain!" She protested but I just glared at her. "You can explain? The girl I love probably hates me for life and you want to explain?!" I snapped. She looked down in remorse.

"I had to do it. You don't know what I've been through." She whispered quietly.
"What do you mean you had to do it? You could've just said NO!" She gave me a look. Similar to the one Jeanna gives.

"Well, I couldn't say no because I didn't have a choice." She said. "Where have you been? From what I know you've been gone for almost eight years." I said.

"It's a long story." She began before going into full details. By the time she was done talking, I was staring in shock. This woman has gone through so much shit in these past eight years.

From almost dying to having to leave her family and almost losing something so important, I totally understand why she never tried to contact anyone.

"Wait but if Rigel had you captive for the past eight years, Alexia should've known." I said. She nodded.

"She should've but she didn't. Right before he kidnapped me, he sent her off to a training facility in Germany. She didn't know. It's Carla. Who helped me escape. It's also because of me, she was able to save Jeanna." She explained.

This was a lot to take in.

"And the notes?" I asked. She sighed.
"I don't know Christian. Rigel hired a guy to disguise as you while Giovanni pretended to give him empty blank papers. They didn't want anyone knowing I'm the one putting the notes seeing as I'm a family member and can go in as I please without being noticed." She explained further.

"This is still not adding up. I want to believe you but for all I know, this could be another plot." I said shaking my head.

"Please. You have to believe me. He...He has my baby." She whispered as I whipped my head to look at her.

"For two years, I've been used as a sexual object to Giovanni. He used me severally and sometimes even had his men take advantage of me. When, I finally managed to escape, I found out I was pregnant. With his child. I went into hiding and raised my daughter myself for the last three years. I don't know how but he took her and threatened to kill her if I didn't help them. For a few months now, I haven't seen my daughter. And it's killing me. She's barely three years old!" She cried as tears streamed down her face.

She has a daughter? "I'm so sorry but I don't think I can do anything. The only person that can do something is Jeanna. Seeing as she's the middle of everything." I suggested but she shook her head.

"My sister hates me to the bone. She'll never agree to help." She said.
"You have to try. All this is one huge mess." I said and she sighed.

"Even if I do, she won't want to meet me." She said sadly.

"You'll never know if you never try. Good luck." I said and left.

I didn't want to be involved any further as it is, I was focused on getting Jeanna to know the truth.


We've finally had lil inspo on Mia. Giovanni has her baby!

QOTD-Who likes Mia?

See ya at the next one Bambini
Lots of love,

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