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Life is one helluva ride. Not last week or so I was stuck to a hospital bed. Almost dead.

Thankfully I survived and I'm slowly recovering. I was moved home for extra comfort as I found the hospital extremely annoying. Everyone treated me like a damn egg. I know. I'm precious.

My sister never left my side and it gave us time to mend our broken bond and we were starting to get closer to each other again. She had really went through a lot and I cried when I heard it all.

"Jea! Stop it. You've gotta eat!" Mia yelled and I rolled my eyes. "Please I wouldn't eat that if I was on my deathbed." I snapped and she scoffed.

"Where the fuck do you think you are now? A luxury hotel? You need to eat this to recover properly!" She yelled and I smiled cheekily.

"I'm telling Mom." I said and she sighed in defeat. "Fine. Have it your way. Die for all I care." She grumbled and I laughed. I took the plate and stared eating the salad. She smiled warmly at me and watched me finish the whole plate.

On a normal day I wouldn't eat it. I did it for her.
"Do you wanna go out with me?" I asked and she made a face at me.

"Uh no. I'm not into girls. I can ask Christian to go in my stead." She teased and I laughed. "You know what I mean. Let's do it. We can bring Ariella too. She's such a brave little bunny." I said and she nodded.

"Sure. So eat up and get better. We can plan the details later." She stood up and left and I sighed deeply.

I got out of bed and stared at my self in the mirror. Shit. I looked terrible.
My hair looked super long and unkempt. I sighed again and turned away only to scream at the top of my voice.

Lorenzo places his palm over my mouth silencing me. I raised my knee and hit his jewels and he grunted in pain taking a step away from me.

"You are never not violent Princess." He hissed and I laughed. Stupid idiot. What the fuck was he thinking startling me like that? I was bound to react.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I asked going back to sit on my bed. "I came to see how you were doing Princess. You're my boss remember?" He joked and I rolled my eyes.

I remember him signing his mafia over to me to save everyone. He was obviously getting it back. I doubt his men would obey me anyways.

"Yeah Fuck no. I'm doing amazing by the way. Just that y'all are keeping me locked up here like some princess." I regretted the words as I said it.

"Spoken like the Princess herself." He howled with laughter and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure you're feeling damn smart right now aren't you?" I belittled and he smirked.

"Next time, you the goddamn door." I said ushering him out of my room. As I opened the door I came face to face with Christian.

I launched myself in his arms as he hugged me back. I felt the tears stream down my cheeks as I sobbed.

"You're okay." I cried and he whispered the same words back at me. Lorenzo had already slipped out of the room to give us space.

I spent the next three hours just talking to Christian. I missed him so much.

Currently we were both laying in bed in each other's arms. "Are things okay with Mia?" He asked stroking my hair.

I nodded. "Yeah. We're good. I didn't realize how much I missed her. I missed you more." I said leaning and kissing his lips. He smiled and kissed me back deeply as well.

"I love you. So much." I said and he smiled. "I love you too."


"It's Cake!!" I screamed and chased after Jasper up the stairs. "Yeah? It's mine!" He hollered back. I groaned and stopped running.

It's been two months already and I've gotten a lot better. We were at Lorenzo's home and Serenity had baked Me a cake and Jasper stole what was left of it.

"Anna! I'll bake you another one." Serenity yelled form the kitchen. Satisfied I turned and bumped into Lucian. "Hey. Where's Lex?" I asked and he shrugged. Was he drunk? He confirmed my thoughts as he stumbled down the staircase with a thud.

I winced.


What the fuck is with all the chaos in the house today?

"Sweet Alabama Christ!"


"Ariella! Get back here young woman!"

"Nikolai! Screw your stupid ass!"

"Blackpink in your area!"

I looked around. I don't see them anywhere. I pouted. Lisa was vibing to Blackpink, My grandparents were in an argument, Mia was trying to get Ariella who was playing with Luke and Cass screamed for Christ as they almost pushed her down.

I sighed and ran up to help Cass.

"My dress!" She shrieked on top of her lungs and I winced and let out colorful words.

Great. Luke had spilt something on Cass. All hell was bound to let loose. This is my family everyone. Totally Deranged.

I felt Christian's hands go around my waist as he kissed my head.


"Hi. Just in time for the shit show that's about to happen." I said with a smile as he kissed my cheek.

"You know you'd rather be here than anywhere else." He said and I smiled widely. He's right.

I'd rather be here in his arms while our mentally unstable family caused riots and chaos endlessly.

This was home.


Guys. The last Chapter. I'm sorry if it's not the best ending but this is my first ever book on here so it has some Majorrrr editing to go through.

I'm crying.
Thank you all so much for everything.

I love y'all❤️

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