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Chapter 18.


I screamed.
It wasn't every day Your best friend drops a bombshell on you.
To think of it, these two idiots actually do.
"Correct me if I heard wrong but you're going on a date?!" I yelled as Mandy chuckled. "I'm so glad I won" Diana said from beside me.
"Won? What are you talking about Diana?" Mandy asked clearly confused. I sighed and began to explain.

"You know how you have a shitty Ex who you keep going back to all the time?" She glared at me and I continued.
"Well, Dia and I made a bet that you won't go on a date before the year runs out. I said you won't. She said you will. You betrayed me Woman" I Said as she laughed lightly.
"For the record. It kinda was bound to happen" Diana pointed out. I frowned at her. "You need to stop being right about shit" I grumbled. She smirked.

"Who the hell is he?" Dia asked. Mandy looked away nervously causing Diana and I to share a glance.

"It better not be Tyson" I pretended like I didn't hear Diana's words and waited for Mandy's reply.
"He goes by the name of James" Mandy informed.
I frowned. Who the fuck was James?

"Who the heck is this punk? Do we even know him? Does he attend our college? Is he Cute? Does he have glossy hair? How old is he? Is he a Fuckboy? How many exes are there? Give us the Deets!!" I hollered. She snickered.

"First, he's a really sweet guy. And you might know him seeing as he's friends with your crush. He attends our college and is Cute as fuck. Bout the hair.... Don't really know but it looks glossy to me. He's older I'm sure and of course he's a Fuckboy. Who isn't? Exes are something we haven't discussed yet. All in all. He's great in bed" Mandy said.

We gaped at her with open mouths. Suddenly, I didn't need all this info any more. "Damn gurl. You already had sex?That was quick. Are you guys even a thing?" Diana asked and Mandy shrugged.

"Yeah and Christian isn't my crush. Point making" I stated. They both rolled their eyes at me.
"Well, James and I haven't really gotten to talk about that yet. You'll love him. He's amazing. There's this thing about him, whenever I see him I just can't help but smile. It's special but not near special as what you and Christian share" She said dreamily causing me to scoff.

"I can't wait to meet this James. He needs to undergo the test first" Diana said and I nodded in agreement. The test was something we three had agreed on when it came to boys. They had to be grilled to match our criteria list. We literally had one.

"That's not fair guys. Tyson and Christian didn't do the Test" Mandy whined. "There's a difference sweetie. Whereas you openly tabled the fact that there's a guy then he has to do it. Diana and I are still figuring our hatred towards said boys so it's pretty fair if you ask me" I shrugged. Diana smirked at my analogy.

"What she said"

A knock on my bedroom door interrupted our Girl time. "Come in!" I yelled. What I wasn't expecting was for Serenity Williams to walk into my room brandishing shopping bags.

"Oh my Lord! I'm a super huge fan!" Mandy squealed as Serenity offered her a geniune smile. "Hello girls" She greeted casually like she didn't hate my guts.

"Serenity! What are you doing here?" I asked in a suspicious tone. She rolled her eyes before dropping the bags on the couch close to her. She picked one out and gave it to Amanda.

"Just came to hand these out. Amanda. Lovely color by the way" She praised as Mandy screamed after glancing into the bag. "To be frank, I don't know why Jeanna hates you. You're amazing" Mandy said. I was highly offended by that.

"Shut the hell up Amanda" Diana hissed at her. "These are your dancing clothes for the wedding. How's practice going?" Serenity asked glancing around my room.

"Splendid. Anything else?" I gritted out.
Just then my Phone Binged. To my luck, it was on the same Couch Serenity disposed the bags. She picked it and frowned at my screen.
"Can I have that? Thats invasion of privacy" I snapped standing and reaching for it. She let me take it and I glanced at it. Oh.

"Why the fuck is My future husband calling you Baby girl?!" She all but yelled. I paused in thought.

"Huh. So that's what Bambina means? Sneaky bastard" I mumbled.
"Long story short, we're friends" I explained. She scoffed not believing me.

"Whatever. Seems he and I need to chat. See you at my wedding" After that she left.
"Well wasn't that a sight to watch" Diana said from her spot on the bed. We all Snickered. It definitely was.

Right now, I frowned at Christian as he kept spilling whatever the bloody hell was on his mind.
He looked at me and sighed. We were at the college Cafeteria and he had walked up to me and sat down. The girls were not here as they had classes but I decided to get lunch and here we are.
"I'm sorry. Alot has been on my mind lately" He apologized. I shrugged.
"It's okay. I totally get it. You just shouldn't worry so much. She's going to be happy" I said.

Once again, he was worried about Serenity because she had come home last night bawling her eyes out. With her wedding just in a few days, Everyone was worried.

"Hey Jeanna? Are you friends with Bianchi?"
I stopped eating and looked at him. How the hell did he know that?
"Why are you asking?" I queried. He tilted his head slightly at me. "My Dad said so. Is it true?" He asked again.

Not wanting to lie to him, I nodded.
"It's a long story." I muttered. He glanced at his watch. "We have 15 more minutes. How long will it take?"He asked. I smirked.

"Quite a long time Hero" I teased and he chuckled. "Okay, so what happened was I got stranded and was attacked by some guy and he saved my life. We exchanged numbers and Voila! We became Besties!" I said. He snickered.

"That wasn't so long, was it?"
I smiled. "Hopefully, Our friendship doesn't cause problems. Serenity found out he calls me Baby girl" I said and Christian stared in shock and anger.

"He what?!"

"Woah. Calm down. It's just a nickname. Chill out. He doesn't mean it I'm sure" I said. He huffed in annoyance. "That Man is getting on my nerves" He muttered.

"Anyways. I've gotta go now." I said gathering my things as I stood up. He followed suit as well.
"Can I walk you?" He asked and I glared at him.
"No dumbass. I have legs moron" I Snapped and he laughed.
"I'm sorry. My mistake. See you at Practice!" He called out as I had already started to walk away.

"You too Dum Dum!" I yelled back as I smiled to myself. Damn.

What do you think? The girls had some bonding time! James here is the same one mentioned in Chapter 1 He's a part of Christian's friend group. They'll be introduced officially in the next update.

QOTD- Water or Air?
I'm a water kinda person. It's so peaceful yet outrageous.

See ya at the next one Bambini
Lots of love,

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