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Dedicated toqueens_blade

Hola Chicas!


Chapter 9.


I groaned as Cassandra kept rambling.
"Look. Brittany is so sweet. You shouldn't have left her!" She snapped.
"I don't like her anymore" I admitted.
"Wait. Then you like that Whore?"
She questioned as I frowned. "Don't call her that Cassie" I said as I laid back on my bed.

"Just wait till Mum and Dad finds out." She threatened as I scoffed. "Are you seriously threatening me?" I asked as she sighed. "Can't you think this over?" She asked. "No I won't" I said finally as I stood up and made my way to the door.


I froze and shut my eyes tight. She was standing there the whole time.
"You're home early" I said as she narrowed her eyes.
"Brittany came to my office crying her eyes out." She shouted as I flinched.
"So?" I asked as she frowned.

"Really? Now you will get back together. No arguements!" She yelled as I rolled my eyes. "You seriously can't dictate my life" I snapped as both women gasped.


I ignored them and pushed past her as I found my way to the gym room. I need to let off some steam.

I nodded at Tyson as he waved at me. I got to him and smirked." Hey! You made it" he said as I shrugged. "I need to clear my head. I'm up for some clubbing" I mumbled as he hooted.

Club 24 was as hot as ever. The whole place was filled with teenagers. I parked my Chevrolet at a nice spot. I got out and I swore I could feel the alcohol in the air. Together, Tyson and I entered the club. Alot of people here were from the college and they all recognised me.

I frowned as I saw Brittany in the middle of her Barbie group. I turned away before she could see me and saw something even better.

Standing there casually dressed in baggy jeans and a white cropped hoodie Jeanna quietly bobbed her head to the beat. I couldn't move for a second. Her Friend Manny I think, was dancing dressed in a bright pink club dress. Typical.

I was forcibly turned and my eyes met with Tyson. "Dude. I was just saying something. Did you even hear me?" He snapped as I stared at him.


He groaned before marching away from me. I stood still confused when she stepped Infront of me.

"Hey Mr Popular" she snapped and I jumped. She looked taken aback before she let out a cute soft laugh.

"Jeanna? What are you doing here?" I asked as she crossed her arms seeming offended.

"Excuse me? Are you saying a club isn't my scene?" She questioned as I smiled.

I nodded.

She gasped then punched me hard. I let out a cry as she smirked triumphantly. "I'm sorry? Did I hurt you?" She asked sounding so sweet.

I might throw up.

"I'm fine. Are you alone?" I asked as she shook her head.

"I'm with ma' girlfriend. You?" Shit. The way she spoke......

"I'm with Tyson." I replied as her eyes grew wide. Was she surprised?

"Um I think Barbie just spotted us" she whispered as I turned to look at Brittany who was glaring back at us.
I slung an arm over Jeanna's shoulders.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She hissed as I stared down at her.

"Just follow my lead" I said lowly.

I pulled her along as I made straight to the Bar where Brittany was.

The Bartender smiled. "What will you have?" She asked.

"I'll have a martini. What about you babe?"

"Babe?!" Jeanna and Brittany asked as my smirked grew deeper."Yeah. You" I said and kissed her forehead.
"Uh I'll have water please" she finally requested and the Bartender got to work.

I slipped my hand from her shoulders to her waist and pulled her closer to me.

She's so gonna kill me after.

What do you think?!

QOTD- What's your favourite moment so far?
Dunno yet. Still writing. Lmao.

See ya at the next one People!
Lots of love,
Sophie ❤️

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