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Chapter 20.

???(Alexia's) POV:

I watched as Bianchi and his bride said their vows and tied the knot. I clapped along with the crowd as I scanned the room for my target.
Jeanna was easy to spot. She sat with two identical girls and another one as they all clapped but she looked on with the most bored expression I've ever seen.
She was wearing a pink dress with ruffle short sleeves. It fit her perfectly with her hair styled back into a slick low ponytail.

Jeanna's Dress up above!

Compared to my black dress, she was more prettier in person. Too bad my father wants her dead.

Everyone left the church and proceeded to a large auditorium venue for the reception.

The place was swarming with a whole lot of Bianchi's men. Who might recognize me so I kept a low profile as I mingled. The bride and groom we're upfront all smiles as people congratulated them. I got to the bar and sat down beside her.


Jeanna frowned at me. She does that a lot. Frowning.

"Who the heck are you?" She spat. I smiled. Yup. We we're gonna be great buddies.
"I'm Alexia. You can call me Lexi or Xia" I said with a friendly smile.
She assessed me slowly. Someone's been learning from Bianchi, I thought.

"I'm Jeanna. Why'd you want to talk to me?" She asked. I blinked completely thrown off guard. "How did you know?" I hissed leaning closer. She scoffed. "Easy. I can see the transponder and the gun that you hid pretty well in a dress like that." She said casually. I stared in surprise.

Wow. She's definitely something else.

"Okay. You figured it out. Now can we talk?" I asked. She rolled her eyes before downing her drink. "Can't. I have to go change." She sighed.
I nodded. "I can come with you. We can talk on the way" I suggested.
She shook her head firmly. "This place is guarded. I saw the plan myself because that Italian dipshit named Lorenzo showed me. We can't talk. At least not here. Besides, I don't know you" she pointed out.

"I told you my name" I countered.

"And I told you mine. Yet, you still don't know me. Enjoy the party. I've gotta go"
She walked away and I just stood watching her leave.

"Hey, M? She's alot different than I expected" I spoke into my in-ear piece.

"Heard everything. She's sassy as fuck. Find out if she's single for me?" Marcus asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Not a chance in hell Twat."


Lorenzo frowned after I recounted my encounter with that Alexia girl. He had showed up in front of my dressing room and barged in. Rude if you ask me.

"Shit." He groaned running a hand down his face. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at him.
"She's either a possible threat or an ally" He said.

"I'm both."

Alexia smirked at us as she walked in and locked the door behind her. She held her gun aimed at Bianchi.

"Ah Lex!! I've missed you hun. Remember the last time we met?" Lorenzo asked with a weird smile that Lexi mirrored.

"You mean the time you shot me and left me to die? I remember. Rather clearly" She mused and he laughed lowly.

"Are you guys done?" I asked as they looked at me. "Are you single?" Lexi suddenly asks and I frowned shaking my head.

"Okay. Well Bianchi, You're in some deep shit fella." She said tucking her gun away.
"What'd I do this time?" He asked with a cheeky grin. Lexi laughs and shake her head.
"He wants you dead. And he plans on using Serenity. Your wife and Donna" She explained as the playful air froze.

"Why are you telling us? Don't you work for whoever 'He' is?" I asked. She nodded. "He's actually my father. And he has plans to get rid of anything that will be in his way. Even if it's me" She said. I gasped lowly.

Daddy issues. Same sis. Same.

"What's he planning?" Lorenzo asked.
"The usual. Kidnap Serenity. Use her as a threat. Only his plans changed and hour ago" She said making me confused.

"What do you mean Alexia? I need words" Lorenzo snapped his fingers at her. She glanced at me for a moment then at Lorenzo. Communicating with her eyes.

Lorenzo cursed as he slammed his fist at the wall. I jumped.
"He's really trying me now" Lorenzo snarled.

"I know. I had just come back from retrieving some files for him when I heard him discussing it with Giovanni. Shit just got serious" She whispered.

"Who exactly are you?" I asked. She smiled mischievously.

"I'm Alexia Luna Stollo. Daughter of Rigel Stollo. Head of the Mexican Mafia. An assassin"

I took in a sharp breath. She's an assassin?! First off, Awesome and Second, what the Hell?!!

"What's the plan now? You said it changed." I said drifting back to the topic. Lorenzo sighed and apologized.
"Why are you sorry?" I asked in worry.

"I'm sorry Bambina. Its my fault. Because of me, you're now a target. I shouldn't have involved myself with you" He muttered. I swallowed. Target. Someone wanted me dead.

"Oh my God. Am I gonna die?" I asked in panic. "No. You won't. Don't fret" Lexi assured me. "You don't sound the least bit reassuring!" I snapped.
She pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing.

"Listen, if it helps I was sent here to kill you but I don't want to. I'm tired of being a puppet. In as much as it might be fun sometimes, it's cost me a lot." She said as I just watched her. Lord knows what she's been through to become like this.

"Alright. Let's get outta here. I'm already married. Unless he plans on ambushing the wedding as well?" Enzo looked at Alexia for an answer. She grinned at him. "Don't worry. Marcus already detonated the bomb. You're all safe. Although I suggest you wrap this up and send everyone home. Just to be sure" She said casually as my jaw dropped.

"A bomb?!! You mean we all would've possibly died?!" I screamed and they both gave me a dry look. "You'll be very much alive as would I because they would kidnap us first seeing as we're the package they need before killing everyone off" Lorenzo explained.
That did nothing to calm my nerves. I sighed shaking my head.

"I need a stiff drink" I walked out of the dressing room and Alexia followed me. "Hey. You'll be fine. I promise" she said. "What if I won't? What if your Dad decided to hurt the people I care about? I already lost someone so close to me. I don't want to lose another" I whispered.

"He can try but Bianchi will protect them. That Man is the leader of the world's biggest mafia with Russia ranking second. And I can help train you in some basic defense skills. I hear you pack a pretty mean punch" She joked as I laughed.

"Thank you Alexia. So what are you doing while you're here?" I asked. She smirked. "Seeing as I'm supposed to be stalking you for a chance to gun you down, I was transferred to your school."
"Really? Like undercover?" I asked in awe. She nodded. "Yeah. I won't go by my full name though. I'll just be Alex or Xia. Still deciding. And before you look at me like that I'm only 19 so works for me" She shrugged. I snickered.

"Come on. You need to meet the girls. You're officially a part of the squad" I announced then dragged her off to meet the girls.

Gimme yo thoughts people!

QOTD- Who likes Alexia?
I absolutely love her. She's a badass.

See ya!
Lots of love,

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