Part 7

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Today is the last day of summer, I wake up at around 10. I get changed into shorts and a white cropped top. I walk downstairs. Yeah yeah isn't home, most likely at the sandlot.

"Y/n please can you go to the store and get all the stuff you need for school, like pens and notebooks" my mum says

"Okay" I put on my adidas shoes and leave the house.

When I get to the store I see smalls.

"Hey smalls!" I say.

"Hey y/n!" He walks over to me. "How come your here?"

"Just getting stuff for school, what about you?" I say.

"Same, what's the school like?" he asks. I forgot he was new.

"It's not too bad" I smile at him. We stay silent for a few seconds.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure!" I say.

"What happened last summer?" Smalls asks. I'm speechless.

"Uhh what do you mean?" Maybe we are thinking of different things, I hope we are.

"With you and Benny." Nope. We are definitely thinking of the same thing.

"Where have you heard that from?" I ask,  confused.

"I overheard you and Benny talking about it." I sit on a bench and gesture him to sit down next to me.

"Smalls, is there anything you know, that you shouldn't?" I ask.

He hesitates for a moment. "I know you and Benny are secretly dating," he blurts out. Oh shit.

"You can't tell anyone!" I say to him.

"Okay but please tell me what happened last summer."

I stay quiet for a moment "alright fine, but this stays between us."

He nods.

"Okay so last summer, yeah yeah invited all the boys round for a sleepover, I had already met them all, but only briefly. During the sleepover, benny comes into my room and we hang out for a while"

"Did none of them notice?" Asks smalls

"Nope, eventually it gets late so benny decides to head back downstairs to the rest of the boys but before he goes he tells me that we should hang out more often." Smalls look very intrigued. "We ended up spending most of the summer together and grew very close. Then one day we admitted that we both had feelings towards each other"

"Did you kiss!? Did you date eachother?! What did yeah yeah say about it!?" Smalls looked desperate to know

"Yes we did kiss, we didn't date and yeah yeah never found out."

"What! Why didn't you date?!"

"We knew yeah yeah would get upset so we both agreed to act like nothing ever happened"

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Asks Smalls.

"What! No!" I don't think I do. Do I?

"There must be a reason you're pretending to date him, apart from making Philips jealous." I stay quiet, I don't know what to say. Smalls look up at me in realisation. "I got it! You still like him, but you don't think he would date you so you decided to pretend to date him. Because you think that's the closest you'll ever get to being with him."

Does Smalls know me more than I know myself?

"Well I mean your right about the part where he would never date me for real." I say.

"I mean I see the way he looks at you, I think he may like you." Smalls says.

"I don't know, but do not tell yeah yeah about any of this." I plead

"I won't, I promise."

"Thank you Smalls." I smile at him

"I'll see you tomorrow at school!" He says before walking off.

"Bye Smalls!" I yell to him, then waking away to buy the stuff and go home.

I lay up in bed and think about the conversation me and Smalls had. Do I like Benny?

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