Chapter 6: The Engagement and Wedding Part 1

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POV: Kelly Benjamin-Christopher Severide-Herrmann

Today is the day that Papa Chris is going to ask Cindy to marry him. Also Im turning 10 today. While Papa Chris and I get ready he calls Cindy.

Hey Cindy, are you ready? asked Cindy over his phone

Yes, I will see you two when you get here. said Cindy, that is when we are both ready and we get in the car once we got my backpack, blanket, Moony Mommy Wolf and Firefighter Daddy Bear. Once we got in the car we drove to Cindys place. Once there Papa Chris got me out of his car and we walked up to the door. Papa Chris rings the door-bell and Cindy opens it.

Wow, you look Beautiful. said Papa Chris, as he kissed her.

You look really Pretty Cindy. I said, as I hugged her

You two look Handsome too. So where are we going? said/asked Cindy

It is a surprise Cin. said Papa Chris

Okay, well lets get going. said Cindy as we got to the car and Papa Chris opened her door. Once we were all in the car we went to the same Flower Garden that Cindy and I went to the first time we met. Papa Chris had a billfold on Cindy so that she couldnt see.

As we were walking through the place, once we got to the Flower Arch I stopped and pointed to it. Showing my Papa Chris, we then started to sign.

Sevy, this prefect.-signed Papa Chris

We found it when we came here last year. Mama Cindy loved it.-I signed

Well then it is the perfect place to ask her to marry me right.-signed Papa Chris

Yes.-I signed and I got the flowers that we ordered early.

Cindy, Im going to take the billfold off. said Papa Chris

Wait I thought we were celebrating Kellys tenth birthday. said Cindy

Yes but later, first I want to ask you something. said Papa Chris

Cynthia Jennings, you are the love of my life. You treat Sevy as he is your own child. You made him feel safe just like his biological parents, his Aunts and Uncles from his Dads Old Firehouse, Mouch and me. When Kelly came home after the 24 hours you watched him the first thing he said was she is good, I like her. She remedies me of Moony. I knew right then I could ask you to marry me. So Cynthia Jennings, will you marry me and become my wife. said Papa Chris as he got the ring from his pocket and went down on one knee.

Yes, yes I love you. said Mamma Cindy and Papa Chris put the ring on her.

Cindy, Kelly has to ask you something too. said Papa Chris

What is it, my Sevy Angel Flower? asked Mamma Cindy

Will you want to become my Step Mamma Cindy? I asked as I gave her the flowers in a vase that Papa Chris helped me with.

Are you serious? asked Mamma Cindy

Yes. I said, as I hugged her

Of course Sevy Angel Flower. said Mamma Cindy

Alright, Sevy where now? asked Papa Chirs

We walk up this way Papa Chris. I said as I took his and Mamma Cindys hands.

Are we going through the forest? asked Mamma Cindy

Yes. I said as we walked through the forest to get to the Hillside. Once we got there I used my Inhale and Papa Chris got out a folder giving it to me.

What do you got there Kelly? asked Mamma Cindy

Just open and read it. I said, as I gave it to Mamma Cindy

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