Chapter 137: Disney World Part 1

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POV: Kelly Casey-Severide-Herrmann

Once we got Evan, Emily and Amara Harmony out of their Fathers and his Husbands hands Matt and I decided we needed to go on a trip. Evan and Emily told us that their Papi, Papa, Pops and Aunt had to come. Once Matt, Ritter, Gallo and I get to the Firehouse we see Squad, Engine, Mikami, Drew, Andy, Christopher and Mouch waiting for us to come in.

So? asked Chris

We are going to Disney World. I said

You got them. said Squad

Yep, we have to go tell Boden. said Matt

What is going on? asked Brett

We are taking our children on a trip. said Gallo

What? asked Gabby

They got Evan, Emily and Amara Harmony out of their Fathers hands and Gallo and Ritter adopted them too. The four and their children are going on a trip. said Mikami

Hey Boden, can we have the next two weeks off? asked Ritter

Severide texted me and I said yes. I still dont know why it was at 1:00 in the morning. said Boden and I just looked off at the Squad Rig.

Kelly, you told me you were sleep at 1:00. said Matt

Kyle was talking about Disney World and I was talking with him. I said

He must be so happy to go there. said Chris

Il peut voir les pompiers(French, He gets to see the Fire-Troopers) I said

True. So when do you leave? said/asked Uncle Mouch

Tomorrow. I said as we went to put our things up.

We only got small calls and it was calm. As the shift went on we got less calls. They all went to Engine and Ambo. Boden had put Ritter on Truck and Mouch on Engine. Once our shift was over Matt, Ritter, Gallo, Jerry, Keria, Oliver, Jake, and I got all the things in the bus and van and we drove to the Airport. Once we got there I got Kyle and all the older ones had at least one younger one. I had Kyle sleeping in my arms and Tristan holding my hand.

Once we got our things we werent taking on the plane with us we got to the Sergetcy gates. The guys let me walk with Kyle still sleeping in my arms through the scanner. Once we got through Keria came next and sat down while I helped with her shoes and she put Kyles on for me. Once we all got through we went to our gate and Matt, Gallo, Oliver, Jake, Ritter, got food. While the rest of us stayed with the things.

POV: Kidia Casey-Darinaon-Darden-Severide-Herrmann-Zavarella

You two have a big family. said someone

He is my Papi. I said as I pointed to Papi

Oh sorry. So who are all of these children? said/asked the lady

Im Kidia, then you got Sophie, Emma, Olivia, Stormie, Zayne, Bill, Kaia, Kawai, Kayden, Jeff, Nick, Kevin, Kyle, Harper, Hayden, Emily, Evan, Leia, Lilly, Tristan, Christopher, Madison, Mason, Abigail, Alexander, Addison, Aiden, Noah-Riley, Amara Harmony, Harley-Ramona, Brian-Kelly, Aurora-Charlotte, Andrew-Christopher, Matthew, Nathan and Isabelle. I said

The ones coming over are Oliver and Jake. said Papi

Are they all yours? asked the lady beside her.

All but Oliver, Jake, Harley-Ramona, Brian-Kelly, Aurora-Charlotte, Andrew-Christopher, Matthew, Nathan and Isabelle. Jake is our soon to be Son-In-Law, Oliver is dating Sophie and they have a daughter together. The others are our Grandchildren. Also Evan, Emily and Amara Harmony are also their children. Keria is dating a friend, and Jerry is dating Blake and Darren. Keira is his twin and she is pregnant with Blakes and Darrens Baby. said Papi Case

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