Chapter 77: 51 Finally Finds Out Most of the Truth Part 1

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POV: Chole Cruz

Im on the way to pick up Otis and Javy when Joe texted me.

My Husband: Bring the Boys to Herrmanns house we are going to have a Barque.

Me: Will do, see you later Babe.

My Husband: I love you and will see you soon.

Me: Love you too. Im getting the Boys now.

My Husband: See you soon Babe.

Once Joe texted me that I got our boys Javy and Otis, we then got in my car and went to Christopher Herrmanns house. I dont why but I know our boys are happy. Well Javy is still scared of Annabelle, Im even scared of her. Once we get there I get out of my car and get Otis.

Come on Devan, can you not do that for once. said someone

What are you going to call Mom? asked a second person

Carly Devan Merlin-Easton and Catlin Declan Ambrose-Kanaloa Herrmann, behave and stop messing with your Husband, Wife and Boyfriend. said a third person

Hey Joe, who are Carly and Catlin? I asked

I dont know. said Joe as he took Otis

Mom, what about Kaira? asked the two guys

One Christopher is behaving, he is signing to Cindy about Pizza and two dont call your brother that. Only your Dad and I can Carly Devan Merlin-Easton and Catlin Declan Ambrose-Kanaloa Herrmann. said Christophers Mom and Christopher got up.

Hey Chole, it is nice to you guys. Cindy that is a lie, I would rather have my two oldest sons knock me out than ever eat Hawaiian Pizza. said Christopher as he got two cups of water.

It isnt that bad. said Cindy and there was crying, coughing and sneezing a lot of it.

Christopher! cried Severide

Sevy what is it? asked Christhopher as he got up and went to the kitchen.

Andy, isnt breathing right. Like when we were 12. said Severide

Okay just breathe Sevy, you having a panic attack would make Andy Angel worse. Do what your twos Therapist said to do. said Christopher as he looked over Darden

Hey Chris, do you need help? asked Drew

Papa, here try this. said Severide as he gave something to Christopher.

Baby, what were you two doing? asked Christopher as the Boden Family came in.

We were eating the Pizza Nonna and Nonno made. said Severide

Sevy, where is it now? asked Christopher

Matty is eating it. said Severide

Sev Mein Liebling(German, My Love) did you eat any of this? asked Casey

Andy ate most of the piece you have I ate all mine. said Severide

Matt, what is wrong with the pizza? asked the same lady from before

It has Pineapples on it, Lilly. said Matt

Kelly Angel, did you eat any of the pizza? asked Cindy

Not that one. Is Andy going to be okay Papa. cried Severide

Kelly Angel, just breathe and focus. Danny, help Kelly out. said Christopher

I got Papa Hell Fire. said this Danny guy

Papi, is Kelly okay? asked Darden

Yes, only you werent breathing right. said Christopher and he pulled Darden into a hug.

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