Chapter 50: The Casey-Severide-Herrmann Family Gets Bigger Part 1

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Order of Photos Andrew-Christopher Marcus-Mark and Aurora-Charlotte Mia-Melody Casey-Darden-Severide-Herrmann-Zavarella

I know that I made it so Christopher Matthew-Kelly Casey-Severide-Herrmann was Lillys baby, but Im going to change it. So Baby Chris is going to be a baby that Matt, Kelly, Kyle, Tristan, Leia, Lilly, Harper and Hayden find on the side of the road and Lilly still names him. So he is the Casey-Severide-Herrmann-Zvonecek childrens baby brother, only not their nephew/brother.

POV: Tristan Kenji Severide-Herrmann

Once Aunt Nina, Daddy, Baby Chris, Harley-Ramona and Brain-Kelly get home Daddy and Aunt Nina, but us down for a nap. We sleep for about an hour, then Daddy and Aunt Nina wake us up so we can get Leia, Lilly, Hayd, and Harrow from Nanna.

We get to Nannas and Nonnos house and get my sisters, we also say bye to Nanna and get back in the car to give Oreo to Papa Case. Daddy is on the way to the hospital, because Oreo has claws and stretched Daddys side and his right knee.

Hi Im looking for Chief Casey-Severide. said Aunt Nina

We have a Captain Casey-Severide and a Lieutenant Casey-Severide, but no Chief Casey-Severide. said Capp I think Leia, Lilly, Hayd, Harrow and I laugh.

She means Captain Casey-Severide. I said

He is on a call, but will be back soon. said Cruz

Hey Nina, what are you dining here? asked Papa Case

Giving you, your kitten, Oh and to tell Kelly is mad. said Aunt Nina

Why is Kelly mad? asked Papa Case

What the fuck do mean my oldest is in the fucking hospital again? yelled Nonno

What did sweet little Oreo do to Sev? asked Papa Case

I be right there, Boden, my oldest is in the hospital. May I go check on him? said/asked Nonno

Sure, Casey cute cat. said Boden

Nonno, breathe. Going into Med like that will just stress Papa out. said Lilly

You are right, Lilly. Lets go and check on your Papa. said Nonno, as he picked me up.

Nonno, down please. I said

"Sorry, Trist habit. said Nonno as he put me down and we walked to the car.

That is fine Nonno. I said

Is it that bad again, wait who gave Sevy a cat? asked Nonno

The President of The United States of America. said Leia

Okay, Casey, that cat better learn to behave. said Nonno as we got out to the car and Aunt Nina drove us to the hospital.

POV: Christopher Herrmann

Once we get to Med I walk in and ask for an update on my son, once I do I go to his room. When I got there Kelly was sleeping so I got Baby Chris out of his baby carrier. I then get on my phone while my Grandson and my four Granddaughters climb on the bed and lay by him. Nina, puts the baby carriers that have my great-Grandchildren Harley-Ramona and Brain-Kelly down and picks up Harley-Ramona. She then gets a bottle out of Kelly's backpack and gives it to Harley-Ramona. As Im on my phone I took a photo of Kelly and my Grandchildren. After I took the photo I sent it on our family chat and everyone not in school responded to the text.

Badass Papa Chris Herr: Kelly, my Grandson Tristan, and Granddaughters Leia, Lilly, Harper, and Hayden are cuddling on Kellys hospital bed. While I have Baby Chris, Nina as Harley-Ramona and Brain-Kelly is asleep in his Baby Carrier. Papa Hell Fire sent a photo.

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