Chapter 181: Kelly Is A Boss Times Two Part 1

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POV: Christopher Herrmann

Kelly is having his Captain Ceremony today. Tomorrow is his US Mid-Atlantic Fleet Commander Ceremony. We are on shift and Kelly is acting differently around Evan, Drew and Andy, because they still dont know that he is going to be their Boss at the Navy-Marine Base.

Hey Captain and Lieutenant, do you guys have everything you need for Severides Ceremony? asked Boden as we were walking to the Firehouse.

Yes, by the way Sev, Christopher isnt giving you the Badge. Im going to do it. said Matt

He is doing the Navy one.-signed Kelly as we got into the Firehouse with our Dress Blues.

Once we got into 51 we put our things up and went to the Conference Room.

As you know, after today Kelly Casey-Severide-Remington is going to be Captain. So both him and Captain Matt Casey-Severide-Remington are going to be doing all personnel related issues. Scheduling, furlough, individual requests from the department. said Boden

We will come up with a plan. said Kelly as he pulled out a sucker and put it in his mouth.

No waking up in the middle of the night and eating Candy on the counter again. said Matt

I will try not to Case. said Kelly as we left the room and I walked up to the boys.

You dont think I could get next Monday off? I asked and Kelly gave me a look.

Why? asked Carver as we sat at the table.

It is Stormies birthday and she wanted a day with me. I said

Christopher, Casey already gave you that day off. said Kelly

I just found out today. I said

Storm-Again told us last night. said Matt

Captain Casey-Severide, I need your paperwork from your last shift. said a new person

I gave it to Boden. said Matt and Kelly

Why did you both answer? asked the new girl

We are both Captains and our last names are Casey-Severide. said Kelly and Matt

Hey Severide, we got a call. said Andy as Kelly gave Matt a kiss on the check and left.

After the shift was almost done Gabe called me.

Hey Gabe, how can I help you? I asked

I went to get the thing like you asked and Im on my way to your house. said Gabe

Okay see you later. I have to get changed. I said as I hung up and went to the locker room.

Hey Herrmann, are you ready for Sevy to be a Captain? asked Mouch

Are you, you been his Godfather since he was 6? I asked

Nope, did Gabe get the thing? said and asked Mouch

Yes, Cindy is going to bring it. I said as Kelly gave me his computer and I saw the big crash. Once I did I started to panic and Kelly noticed it. He then ran out with his Dress Blues on, but his tie wasn't tied. After we all got dressed we saw Boden and Kelly talking.

Boden, that big car crash, one of my children and Gabe are in it. said Kelly and then I remembered Harrison was with Gabe today. Boden then gave us all a look.

51 lond up, someone in our family is in that crash. said Boden and we all got in the rigs.

Kelly, just breathe, Gabe wont let anything happen to Harrison. I said

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