Chapter 61: Christie's and Matt's Parents comes back Part 1

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POV: Andy Darden

Oh shit, I didnt see that coming. said Matt and we looked confused.

What happened Bello? asked Kelly

Christie and Jim got really drunk two weeks ago at Violets Quinceanera and they had sex. said Matt and he showed us the text from his phone.

That is funny, but I thought they didnt want any more children even more now that they arent married. said Kelly and Matt texted Christie back. Then Kellys phone started to ring and he got it out of his pocket. Didnt have a name so Kelly just hit decline.

She said that if they still feel the same by the time they have the baby they would let us adopt the baby if we wanted to. Matt and Kellys phone went off again, he just declined the call as it was the same number. Matt and Drew give Kelly a look.

Dont know the number, Im not going to answer. said Kelly and his phone went off again, this time it was Christie and he picked up his phone and put on speaker.

Hey Christie, you are on speaker, Matt, Andy and Drew. said Kelly

Kell, whatever you dont answer the number that called you twice. said Christie with fear in her voice and I saw the proactiveness of Kelly Benjamin-Christopher Casey-Severide-Herrmann.

Chris, who is it and who do I need to kill? asked Kelly

Just promise you wont answer it. I got go, please Kelly. said Christie as she hung up and Kellys phone went off with the same number as before and Kelly hit decline.

Mouse, can you look up a number for me? asked Kelly

Sure Marshmallow, what is the number? said/asked Toast

Are you two together right now? asked Kelly

Yes, I just got my computer. What is the number? said/asked Mouse

(312)-234-6784(I just came up with the number). said Kelly

It is a burner phone and it is active again. Little Brother the phone is calling you. said Mouse

I know, Christie told me not to answer it, but that is the fourth time that number called me. Fuck this, Matt get some of the food, Drew get some of each of the teas, Andy get one of mine or Matts car keys. I got a bad feeling about Christie. said Kelly and we did as he told us.

Once we got into Matts truck Kelly and I were in the back with the food and tea. Kelly made me some of my Mint tea for the both of us and we drank it on the way there. Drew was in the Passenger seat and Matt was driving. As we were driving Kelly called Christie.

Christie, answer your phone. said Kelly, as he called her six times

Babe, try Jim and Vi. said Matt and Kelly tried them too.

Kelly something is wrong Violet and Christie arent answering the phones and some random number keeps calling me. What the fuck do I do? said/asked Jim

Jim, calm down, Matt, Andy, Drew and I are going to Christies house and don't answer the call. You can meet us there. Fun fact Papa is there with my dogs and we have Oreo and Smokey with us. Just need you to breathe okay, in for 4 and out for 8. said Kelly

Thank you for helping him, we will see you there. said some guy

Who are you and what are you doing to Jim? asked Kelly

Kell, come down, he is my boyfriend. said Jim

Dont worry about not knowing about his Ex-Wife and him having Drunk Sex two weeks ago and the Baby. Jim told me when he got to my apartment and told me this morning about the baby. So I know. Also Im Kelly-Steven Atonal. said Jims boyfriend

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