Chapter 167: Sevasey Takes Over The Dance World Part 2

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POV: Kelly Casey-Severide-Remington-Herrmann

"Uncle Jack, Uncle Ianto told me to give you these." said Char as she gave me the backpacks. She then went to Papa Chris
"Hey Baby Angel, were you helping out your Uncles?" said/asked Papa Chris
"I was and it was fun." said Char
"That is good Baby Angel." said Papa Chris
"Charlotte off to bed now." said Remiel
"I want Daddy." said Char
"Charlotte, he is busy." said Nila
"Daddy, still wears it." said Char
"I lost it Princess." said Remiel

"Leave me alone Momma and Mother." said Char as Gabe came into the firehouse
"Loki, I lost it. George tried to help me find it but we didn't find it." said Gabe as Char gave him something and he kissed her head.
"You are married?" asked someone
"What no, it's a promise ring to My Trickster Angel." said Gabe as he picked up Char
"Oh good, because you are so cute." said the guy as he kissed Gabe's lips and kissed Char's head before moving a hand in her Golden-Brown hair and she let him.

"That's a first." I said and Gabe looked at me.
"What is the first?" asked Gabe
"Your friend's hand is going through your daughter's hair." I said
"Daddy, my tummy hurt." said Char
"Oh Baby, let's get you some food." said Gabe as he put out her favorite snack and gave it to her. She ate it while Gabe gave her to George and he went to the bathroom l.

"Wow, that is more than I thought it would be." I said as I was looking at the backpacks.
"She is so good at what she does." said George as Char starts to go to sleep.
"That she is and so is her Dad's Baby Girl." said Andy as he and Squad sort out the different dances. I then see that people put art, photography, self-defense, singing, acting, instruments, school things.
"Where are we putting not dance in things?" asked Cruz as he gave me a stack of papers.
"Kelly, I meant to tell you. On my instagram it says you do other things too." said Gabe
"I can see that." I said

POV: Matt Casey-Severide-Remington

Once I'm done with the Alderman meeting, Andrew comes with me to Sevasey's Dance Studio. Once we get there I unlocked the door, we walked in and I locked the door.

I then go to the office and start to work on some paperwork. As I do Andrew got me to unlock my phone. I did that and he started to work on something. As I'm working I see Andrew as giving my phone back and I saw he made an instagram.

"You made us an instagram account?" I asked
"Yes, that way you can post things on it." said Andrew as I sent it to Kelly.
"Thanks, would you like to help out sometimes?" I said and asked
"Only if it is okay with Kelly." said Andrew
"I think he will be, because when we are on shift it would be hard to get here." I said
"Can Fred help out too?" asked Andrew
"I don't see why not." I said

Once I was done at Sevasey's Dance Studio, we left. He went home and I went to get some groceries for the house. Once I got everything I needed and paid I went home. I then crash on the couch in the living room.

The next day

When Kidia woke me up I saw all of our children and grandchildren ready to go. They say bye and I go to Sevasey's Dance Studio. Once I get there I see all of our teachers.

I opened the door and we got ready for the registration. As we do I see Squad come in and Kelly gives me a kiss.
"If you need me Babe, call." said Kelly
"I will, Babe. I love you." I said
"I love you too." said Kelly
"Captain, we got a call." said Evan as Kelly ran over to the others and they left. 

Once the Squad was gone we let people come in. We got everybody registered and we gave them the information they needed. We also had some people we didn't want.

"Hello Ann, can I help you?" I asked
"Yes, you can." said Cora
"How can we help you two?" asked Cassie
"Change your minds and give me back my people." said Ann and I looked at our team.
"They aren't objects that you can call yours. They are people too." I said
"Yes, but they are mine." said Cora
"We don't belong to anyone but ourselves." said Jacob as he gave me my phone.

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