Chapter 136: Terrance Boden's Birthday

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2:00 PM

POV: Kyle Casey-Severide-Herrmann

Dad, my tummy hurts again. I said once we got to my room and put my Mole in the cage.

Okay Baby, lets get you changed and you can hold you if you want. At Terrances birthday party. said Dad as he helped me change and I grabbed Sevasey.

Please Dad. I said and he picked me up

Sure Baby. said Dad as we walked out and my tummy got worse.

I Love you Dad. I said

I love you too. Baby, go to the bathroom. said Dad as we passed one of the bathrooms and went in. Once we did, Dad put me down by the toilet and I threw up again.

Daddy, I just threw up Medi. I said

I know Baby, lets go get you some Orange Juice. said Dad as he picked me up and we went into the kitchen. When we did I saw a lot of people.

Sev, is Kyle okay? asked Tad

He just threw up his medicine. Baby can I put you down so I can get your Orange Juice? said/asked Dad as he went to sit me down at the counter.

No, Daddy. I cried and he picked me back up.

Baby Sev, can I get your Orange Juice? asked Tad

Please Tad. I said as he kissed my head

Sure My Little Sev

Thank you Taddy. I said

Welcome Ono. said Tad

I love you Dos. I said

I love you too Ono. said Tad as he gave me my Orange Juice.

What does Tad and Taddy mean? asked someone

It is Welsh for Dad. said Tad

Matt, stop learning different languages and learn Italian. said Gregory

Dad, I want to know the languages my children speck the most. said Tad

Hi, is this where Terrance Bodens Birthday Party is? asked someone

The Boden family is just getting the last part up. said Dad

Dad, can we go to pool? I asked

Sure Baby. Dad said and we went outside. Once we got outside the people followed us.

We got everything set up. Also I have to ask you something, Severide. said Mr. Boden

Niffy got in trouble five minutes before our Shift was over and I didnt want to go back to 51 with all my children because the bell rang when I was talking to my daughters class about my job. said Dad like he knew what Mr. Boden was going to say.

Terrance, said we had to put it on the mannequin. said Mrs. Donna

Delores and as long as none of the children but mine and Matts children touches it, because it just got cleaned yesterday. said Dad

Who is Delores? asked someone

The mannequin, with the Squad Turnout Gear on it. said Tad

You named a mannequin? asked someone

No, our two Son-In-Laws did. said Dad and Tad

Why Delores? asked Mr. Boden

It comes from The Umbrella Academy. said Terrance

Once the party got started my stomach got better and I was playing with my friends and siblings. As I was playing with Niffy and their friend Terrance was flirting with Nicky. I could tell that Nicky doesnt like him like that but Jeffy does.

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