Chapter 126: Squad 3 VS Truck 81 Part 3

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POV: Matt Casey-Severide

Squad isnt back yet and all my team on Truck and I are playing cards.

Severide, that was an impressive idea. Where did you get that Idea? asked Capp

Danny and I were watching a movie one time and that just always stuck in my head. said Kelly as they came into the common room and Kyle ran up to them.

Daddy, did you do the pancake thing? asked Kyle

We didnt Bunny and Your Dad was fantastic. said Cruz

Papa Sev, can you not do stupid things? asked Sophie

Soph, Stupid his middle name. said Christopher

I thought that was mine and Kellys was Crazy. said Andy

You might be right. said Christopher

What is that smell? asked Boden as he came in and Kelly shook his head.

Man, it is still in my hair. said Kelly

Squad if that is you, take a shower. said Boden

Severide cant. said Capp

Not until it comes out of my hair. said Kelly

Please dont tell me you have a lizard in your hair. I said

Nope it isnt a lizard, but that would be easy to get out. said Kelly

Come here Tigger and I will get it out. said Christopher as he walked to Kelly

Be careful he bit Cruz, Capp and Tony. said Andy

Aww, Kell he is so cute. said Christopher

You know she will kill you if he keep him C. said Kelly

What was it? asked Brett

It is a Crested Gecko, the boys always wanted one of them. said Christopher as he held the lizard in his hands and I freaked out.

Matt, can we keep him? asked Kelly

No way Kelly. I said

Please Trist, Kyl, Evy, Zaynie, Kidia, Billy, Jake, Nifty, the Hawaiian Ks, Middle K and Big K all want one too. said Kelly and Kyle goes to pet the lizard.

No and that is finally. Now go take a shower. Also wash your hair really well. I said

Fine, but you get to tell our son that didnt hear you that we arent keeping him. said Kelly

Papa Case, are we keeping Squad Bean? asked Kyle and Christopher was laughing.

Im sorry Kyle, but I dont like lizards. So we arent keeping him. I said and Kyle started to cry as he did. I feel bad and go to hug him.

Leave me alone Casey. said Kyle and he ran off

You know he wont talk to you for a year right. said Christopher

Yes he will once I get him a cute little Chiancille. I said and Christopher rolled his eyes as he walked out of the common room. Aella then came over to me and hugged me.

So are we really not keeping the Crested Gecko? asked Sophie

He isnt going anywhere near our house. I said and Squad came back without Andy and Kelly.

You just made Kyle so upset, which messed with his body. Kelly is trying to calm him down. While Andy is trying to keep Kelly from panicking. said Tony

Why do they even want a Crested Gecko? I asked

Something about Kelly having one before he started living with Herrmann and he died in the same crush that killed his twin.-signed Capp

I still dont get it. I said

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