Chapter 44: Bad News for the Casey-Severide-Herrmann Family Part 1

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POV: Kididayln Raya-Harper Casey-Darden-Shay-Severide-Herrmann

Im done with my shower and Papi calls me.

Yes Papi? I asked

Kidia, are you in the apartment? asked Papi Case

Yes, what can I do for Papi Case and Papi? I asked

Someone came over with somethings, how much and can you read the note? asked Papi

Sure it is a lot, Lord Kevin had to help me bring it in. Also the note say Dear Kelly Severide-Herrmann, I cant deal with his children anymore because of all their fucking Medical lying butts. Im giving up all my rights to you and only you. If Steve McGarrett gets custody then they have to come to Afghanistan to me. Their full names are now Kaia Alice and Kawai Aspen McGarrett-Severide-Herrmann, do with them as you want but McGarrett can never have custody of them unless you never want to see them again. Also talk to Kaia, she has to tell you something even though she is lying. I will never talk to you, McGarrett or the Stupid Shits again. Lots of love from your Lieutenant Catherine "Cath" Rollins. You do have to do one more before you get full Custody of the Shits and that Papi, I cant say the rest, without crying. I said

Dont worry about it Baby, is she still there? asked Papi

She said she is getting food and will be back. Papi, she said that if you dont do what she wants she is going to kill Kaia and Kawai. I cried into my phone

Baby dont worry, why dont you go to Grandpa Christos and Grandma Flowers house. Just give me a minute to get up the stairs. Steven you are fucking slow, My Papa can carry me faster. Kididayln Baby, can you just breathe and wait for my slowass Old CO, gets me up the stairs. Then I want you to take your siblings and go to Grandpa Christos and Grandma Flowers house. Can you do that, Baby? I said/asked

Youre back early? I asked

Kelly you know I can just drop you on the stairs. said Uncle Steve

Yes Baby, so is Papi Case and your siblings. No you wont because then Danno would be mad at you and you are sleeping on the couch for a month because Im hurt. said Papi

He isnt wrong there Babe. said this Danno guy

Papi, Im scared of what she will do to you. I said

Dont worry Baby, can you get the door. We are at the door. said Papi

Yes, but let me get some clothes on, I just took a shower. I said

Kididayln, why dont you just go put on one of mine or Papis hoodies. said Papa

Okay Papa, give me five seconds. I said as I hung up and went to Papis and Papi Cases room and got one of Papis hoodies and put it on. I then opened the door.

Papi and Papi Case. I cried as I hugged them

Kididayln Angel, what did she do to you? asked Papa as he pulled Papi Case out of the hug.

Andy later, Baby when will she be back? said/asked Papi

In an hour I think. Who are all those people? I know Papa Drew, Uncle Steve, Benny and my siblings but not the child Papa Drew is holding. I asked/said

Sweetheart, meet your Baby brother, but really Nephew Christopher Matthew-Kelly Casey-Severide-Herrmann. said Papa Drew

How Papi? I asked

Remember how Leia and Lilly were your foster sisters 9-months ago? asked Papa

Lilly, but I thought you, Grandpa Christo and Grandma Flower, made it so she didnt. I said

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