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Jeno was out with Liana, awkwardly putting his hands in his pockets as her eyes roamed around the area.

She glanced over to him before putting an arm around his shoulders and dragging him to the beach that was close by. It might've been cold but the two felt warm with each other. Jeno laughed at her actions, watching her come to a complete stop right just before her shoes hit the water.

There were days where his life felt surreal and that day, it did.

Liana stepped back, tripping on her own feet as she fell onto the cold sand. Jeno immediately went by her, trying to help her up as she started laughing. The eighteen year old girl laughed as hard as she could, making Jeno worry until he slowly cracked a smile.

The girl never really had a boyfriend— or liked a guy at all. Even back at her home town she had guys waiting for her, yet she didn't spare a glance at them. It was quite weird that she even asked for his number. She didn't talk to him much, she would only see him in the hallways talking with his friends or her sister.

Though, she always wanted to be in a relationship. The boys back at home only wanted her for her looks and didn't bother ever asking her simple questions like her favorite color or even her birthday. Even a "how was your day" would've been enough for her.

Liana looked over to the boy. He was one ball of natural awkward anxiety. It only made her chuckle at how someone could be so genuinely cute without trying. Jeno only smiled back at her, taking a cute picture as she turned away and covered her smile.

"Delete that!"

"No way! The picture look so cute!"

Jeno said, backing away from Liana until she started chasing him around the beach. The sand made it hard for the two to run, even while it was cold. She reached her hand out to grab the back of his jacket, successfully catching him and stopping him, yet she lost her balance once more and fell with him.

The two laughed hard as Liana rested her head on his chest, she could almost hear his heart beating from just where she was. She then pushed herself off him, reaching her hand out for Jeno to grab so he could stand up. Once he was up, the two were so close to each other that they could almost feel the other's nose.

Liana only hugged him, catching him off guard until he reciprocated the action. Jeno felt her squeeze him just slightly as he patted her head.

"Jeno, Idyllia doesn't know this yet..but we're leaving after the school year is over."

"Oh, I kinda figured. Audrey spoiled the little secret, she just didn't tell me when." Jeno said, feeling the older pull away. "When was this?" Liana asked him, looking into his eyes as the memory came back to him. "When we all went to
your house to have hot chocolate. She sat next to me and told me that you guys might be leaving."

"I hate that she's so smart..we didn't even tell them yet.." Liana mumbled. "You guys are going back home?" Jeno started to say, sighing as she hummed. "Yeah, Mom thinks it's best since all of our family is there, plus she misses him."

"And why are you telling me..?" Jeno mumbled, glancing over to Liana. "I trust you. I know Idyllia is your friend, but we'll tell her when she comes back from Haechan's place. She's dealing with something right now." Liana spoke without thinking, she thought that Jeno might've known her younger sister was staying at his place, but the look on Jeno's face said everything.

𝗆𝗎𝗋𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗆𝗒𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗒 • 𝘯𝘤𝘵 𝟢𝟢'𝘴Where stories live. Discover now