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It was the first day back to school when Idyllia was walking with Yangyang.

He had many questions to ask her about her relationship with Haechan, but the look on her face told him that she didn't want to speak about anything at all. "Is everything alright?" he asked her, not getting nothing but silence as a response.

"Okay..something is definitely not alright.."

Yangyang then pulled her to the side, right before they entered school grounds. Idyllia only looked away from him with a gloomy look in her eyes. He tapped her shoulder to get her attention. "What's wrong?" he asked her again, just differently.

Idyllia sighed before bringing him into a hug. He was highly confused as to why she was giving sudden affection. Yangyang hugged her back regardless. "I'll tell you guys as a whole..later." she mumbled, letting him go and proceeding to go into the school as he tried catching up with her.

Tell us as a whole..? Yangyang thought, wondering what was weighing on her that day. He found Shotaro and Jaemin with Eunseo by his side, finding it cute as he secretly fangirl-ed inside. "Awee my favorite couple!" Yangyang said to Jaemin and Eunseo as Haechan passed by, giving him a glare before making his way to Idyllia.

Jeno was walking with Liana when he spotted Renjun just at his locker. "Renjun!" the boy immediately greeted him, watching him turn around towards him. "Hi Jeno." Renjun said, smiling at his friend as he noticed Liana by his side. He was sure Idyllia had said something to her older sister by the way Liana avoided eye contact with him and was looking somewhere else.

Specifically to Idyllia and Haechan.

Renjun's eyes traveled over to them, watching as Haechan held her book bag for her as she took out her necessary items for the day. He watched her laugh at the sudden joke Haechan made, laughing as if it were the funniest thing in the whole world.

"Dude stop joking around and hold the bag!" she said, smacking her boyfriend with her journal as he continued to laugh at her frustration. "I am!" Haechan chuckled, keeping his eyes on her face as a smile appeared on his lips.

Once she was done, her eyed briefly met those of the boy across from them. She kept quiet and walked with Haechan towards her class. "Idyllia!" she heard from behind her, glancing back to see Yeji and Lia walking up to them.

"Yeji! Lia!" Idyllia hugged the two girls warmly as Haechan awkwardly met Lia's gaze. He felt uncomfortable knowing the girl he rejected and the girl he rejected her for were hugging each other. "How was your winter break!"

As the three girls were talking, Shotaro and Jaemin went up to Haechan. Eunseo started talking with the other three. "So you and Idyllia?" Shotaro said to him as he froze. Judging by Haechan's reaction, the two were definitely dating.

"I knew it.."

"Shush! Keep your voice down!"

"Oh please.."

"So what were you going to tell all of us?"

"Wait what?"

It was passing time when the seven were in the classroom. The six boys turned to Idyllia as she gulped. She was scared of their responses, how they might react or what they'll say.

"I'm leaving after this school year."

Their expressions dropped, their eyes stuck on the girl in front of them as Idyllia looked away. It was quiet for a long minute until Jeno spoke up. "It's okay." she looked up at him in shock, watching a smile play on his lips. "We can always call you, text you, even college—"

"Jeno..i'm not coming back. Not even for college.." Idyllia mumbled, feeling the tears swell up in her eyes. "You're not joking? Like you're actually leaving, Idyllia?" Yangyang spoke in a hollow tone. "Yeah, i'm really leaving.."

"Can we just kidnap you and keep you here?" Shotaro said lowly, saddened at the fact that she was leaving in six months. Haechan only kept quiet, if she wasn't coming back for college, then what does that mean for their relationship? They only just started dating and he didn't want to break up so soon.

"When did you find out?" both Renjun and Jaemin said at the same time. "Yesterday." she muttered out, feeling the tears swell up in her eyes. Yangyang immediately brought the girl into a hug since he was right next to her.

"It's only six months away and—"

"Stop." Shotaro interrupted her. Though he felt heartbroken at the sudden news, he smiled at Idyllia. "Don't think about later. Now is now and later is later. I know acting like you're not leaving will be hard, trust me, I know almost Yangyang, Renjun and I have felt the same, but there's nothing you can so but enjoy your time now."

"Why do you have such a good way with words? You're going to make me cry." Jeno mumbled, blinking the tears that were also building up in his eyes. Renjun sat quietly fiddling with his fingers, keeping his eyes on his hands as he felt his heart pound against his chest.

Jaemin and Haechan both laughed at his response before earning a smack from Jeno. "I just thought I was staying here you know? I already got accustomed and going back after like four years is just..I don't know." Idyllia wiped the tears off, her eyes meeting with Haechan.

"I feel like a parent watching his child leave.."

"Shotaro, you're the youngest out of all of us.."

"Can I live?"

.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.

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