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Idyllia woke up to the sweet scent of her father's cooking.

Audrey and Alaina both were still sound asleep, the twins on either side of their shared bed as Liana was on the floor, passed out from being on a call with Jeno the night before. All Idyllia knew was that there were plenty of more arguments that were going to come after sharing a room.

Their old house was pretty small, two rooms, two baths, a decent sized kitchen and living room with a large backyard full a fresh field with a small lake behind her home. Despite the small home, she missed and loved it more than anything.

Her mother was downstairs helping her husband since he had just gotten treatment, making sure he wasn't doing anything heavy. The music played at a soft volume, not too loud to wake the girls up, but enough to be heard as they swayed in the kitchen.

Idyllia closed her eyes, engulfing the familiarity of her home before turning her head to the side, looking at the blank wall beside her bed. The girl decided to wake up, pushing herself off her bed and taking the blanket she had with her.

The sound of her footsteps slowly came closer, her tired eyes squinting at the bright light coming from the kitchen. "Morning Lia Mae!" her father said, smiling widely as he sat with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Didn't the doctors say for you to stay away from coffee?" she chuckled, dropping herself on the couch, reaching for the controller and turning on the tv. "Yes, a cup won't hurt." Milo said, standing by the stove as he lifted the lid up and stirred the food around before adding more seasoning.

"Your sisters are still sleeping?"

"Yes. You should see Liana. She was up all night with her boyfriend."


Idyllia turned to her father, nodding her head as he stared at her in shock. "What did I miss?!" Milo said, almost running to his daughter as she laughed. "They started dating in February. He's nice, funny too so don't worry. She's dating someone with humor." she said.

"I also have a boyfriend."

"You what?! Why do you two think you can grow up?"

Milo crossed his arms jokingly as Idyllia couldn't stop laughing. "He's the best. He really is." she said, untucking the necklace from under her shirt. "He bought me this for Christmas— speaking about Christmas..!" she said, the fond memories she made with him coming to mind.

"Don't tell mom this, but I was dating another guy at the time and he wanted me to go visit his family with him." Idyllia started to explain, finding the situation to be hilarious instead. "So I went with him— with Mom's approval of course."

"Stuff happened and I came back without Mom knowing." Idyllia mumbled, her eyes glancing at her father as he stared at her. "Hyuck, my current boyfriend, let me stay over with him since I couldn't really go back home. I felt bad leaving after one day after Mom had just let me go—"

"You what?!"

The two turned to Helena as she stood in shock after hearing what her daughter had said. "You stayed at Haechan's house when I thought you were in China this whole time?!" Helena then went around the couch as Milo paused.

𝗆𝗎𝗋𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗆𝗒𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗒 • 𝘯𝘤𝘵 𝟢𝟢'𝘴Where stories live. Discover now