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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏

Kira walked into the arcade right behind Minho, looking around seeing quite a few people inside. Mostly high school kids, a few families scattered about. Then her eyes searched the area for a certain game.
"Come on weirdo, you're blocking the door."
Minho grabbed the girl's arm, pulling her after him so the kids behind them could walk in. Kira sent her brother a glare before moving to stand next to him. Ignoring her, Minho walked up to the counter to pay for some tokens.
"How many will it be for you guys today?"
The girl behind the counter asked as she sent Minho a bright smile, however, Kira didn't miss the blush that spread across the girl's face.
"We'll just get your largest amount."
Kira looked at her brother with wide eyes, thinking he was crazy. She then proceeded to grab her bag, going to open it. Minho just knocked her hands out of the way before handing the money to the girl.
"Minho!" Kira exclaimed, smacking his arm. "I could have helped!"
"Take a chill pill, I got it."
With an annoyed huff, she crossed her arms, watching as the worker handed Minho two cups full of tokens. Minho turned, holding one out to Kira, but the girl just pouted not moving. Rolling his eyes, Minho just walked around her.
"Fine, more for me to use."
"Hey!" Kira rushed over to him taking one of the cups from his hand.
"Now quit being such a big baby and let's play some games," Minho smirked before walking up to one of the machines.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Ha! In your face Minho!" Kira exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air before pointing at her brother, "I win! Loser!"
Minho just looked at the younger girl with a bored expression, they had been at the arcade for only thirty minutes and Kira had managed to win more than half of the games they played. Maybe bringing her to the arcade wasn't that great of an idea after all...
But the smile that was on her face was enough for Minho. After everything that she has been through these past few weeks, Kira deserves this. So with a roll of his eyes, he walked around the girl before she could see the small smile that was tugging on the corner of his lips.
"Come on don't be such a sore loser~"
Kira taunted the male which only caused him to raise an eyebrow at her from over his shoulder.
"Me a sore loser? Never." He huffed before walking up to one of his favorite games, "I'll beat you in this one, watch."
"Whatever you say Minhoe."
Minho glared at the girl and Kira just stuck her tongue out at him. He then turned and started the game up, putting all of his focus on winning.

With a proud smile Minho took a step back from the machine, the victory screen on display.
"The only way you win now is to get a higher score, which isn't possible."
Kira just scoffed before a cocky smile spread across her face, "watch and learn!"
The purple-haired girl then bumped Minho out of the way before inserting a few tokens. Once the main screen popped up Kira hit the 'play' button. As soon as she started Minho watched her score intensely.
At first, she wasn't anywhere near the score he had gotten, however, she was quick to get the point multiplier. Minho watched in astonishment as she racked up points. Not wanting to lose at his favorite game he started to mess with her.
"Hey! Minho, that's cheating!!"
Kira exclaimed as she tried her best to stay focused on the game, but he was making it hard. Minho kept poking her side with a smirk knowing she was ticklish and hated having her sides touched.
"Stop it!" She whined as she lost the multiplier, "You're such a jerk."
A pout formed on her lips as she finished up the game. When the victory screen popped up the pair looked at the score.
"Ha! Finally!" Minho exclaimed as he pointed to the score, which was only a few hundred points lower than his.
Kira just turned her head, glaring at the boy before reaching out and smacking his arm.
"Don't be so cocky! You only won because you cheated!"
However, her whines were drowned out with Minho's laughs and Kira couldn't help but smile at the sound. She hadn't realized just how long it's been since she heard her brother's laughter. It was nice to hear it once more, knowing that it was genuine.
"Aww, you guys are such a cute couple!"
Both siblings' heads turned to look at the older woman who was smiling at them. Kira blinked a few times while Minho looked at her with shocked eyes. They then looked at each other for a moment, a look of disgust on both of their features. Kira then burst out laughing as Minho grimaced.
"Oh, we're not dating," Minho explained as Kira kneeled over with laughter, hitting his shoulder.
"Coulda fooled me, you guys would be perfect together!"
"Ma'am with all due respect, I don't think dating your brother is exactly considered 'perfect'."
As soon as those words left Kira's mouth the woman's eyes went wide before she apologized and quickly scurried away. Kira burst out laughing once more and Minho just glared at her as she hit his shoulder again. Reaching over he pinched her side causing her to yelp.
"Stop hitting me."
Kira whined as she rubbed the spot on her side, another pout on her lips, "that was mean."
"Deal with it."
"Asshole." She grumbled as they walked towards another game, "speaking of dating..."
Minho pinched the bridge of his nose already knowing where this was headed.
"What's going on between you and Jisung?"
"I already told you. We're just friends."
Kira's eyes narrowed at her brother as they stopped in front of another game machine. Something was telling her that there was more to it than them being 'just friends' and she wanted to know. However, the challenge was getting Minho to admit it.
"You know you guys hang out a lot for someone just being friends..."
"What about you then? What's going on between you and that Yunho guy?"
Minho turned the question around on the girl and Kira just raised an eyebrow, "What about us?"
"Are you guys dating?"
"What!? No!" Kira exclaimed, her face turning bright red. "We're just friends."
"You guys hang out a lot for just being friends."
He then used her own words on Kira and she just looked at him completely dumbfounded.
"We live together! Of course, we hang out a lot!" She started to get a bit defensive, her face turning a deeper shade of red, "what am I supposed to do? Ignore the guy?"
"Why are you getting so defensive about it?"
Kira's mouth snapped shut as she glared at her brother who was just laughing, playing the game. Just then a smirk spread on her lips, completely missed by the older boy.
"I have a reason why I'm always hanging out with Yunho, but what about you?"
"What about me?" Minho raised an eyebrow, his eyes not leaving the screen.
"You're always with Jisung, at school, at practice, at the house, at his house..."
Minho's fingers slipped causing him to lose the game, his face turning a bright shade of red. Kira looked at him with a satisfied smile, knowing she got something. The boy glared at the girl trying to hide the fact that he was so flustered.
"I don't know what you're thinking, but stop thinking it!"
Kira started laughing as she reached out, patting his shoulder, "It's okay. Love who you wanna love."
Minho just glared at the girl trying to ignore her words, but deep down he knew how he actually felt. Maybe he was just too scared to admit it...

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

The two siblings walked out of the arcade in a fit of laughter, they were challenged by a group of high school kids. Of course, being the competitive pair they were they accepted. In the end, Kira and Minho won which caused one of the boys to start throwing a tantrum.
Kira, however, just teased the boy which caused his friends to start laughing. The poor kid ended up running off which caused Minho to start laughing.
"I can't believe you did that!"
Minho said between laughs and Kira just shook her head, wiping tears from the corner of her eyes.
"Dude that kid was being such a big baby, I mean he literally threw himself on the ground!"
Kira cracked up again which only caused her brother to start laughing harder. Just then the sound of a phone ringing caught both of their attention. Minho took a deep breath before grabbing the device out of his pocket.
He went quiet for a moment, but the smile never left his face. Typing something he quickly hits send before looking at the time.
"Shit!" Minho exclaimed, causing Kira to jump, "it's already almost four!"
Kira started laughing again before she pulled her phone out seeing a few messages from the guys. She then found Yunho's contact, sending him a message and within seconds she got a response.
"I'll just let Ji know that I'll be a little late, come on, I'll drop you off."
Minho sighed before pocketing his phone and turning towards the parking lot. Kira, however, just stopped him.
"You go ahead, don't be late."
"I can drop you off-"
"Go, Min, Yunho said he'd pick me up."
Minho just stared at his sister for a moment before letting out a huff, "Fine, but tell me when you get to the house!"
"I will, now..." Kira turned her brother around and pushed him towards the parking lot once more, "go have fun with Jisung, but not too much fun~"
"I hate you," Minho grumbled glaring at Kira from over his shoulder.
"You love me, now go already."
Kira giggled as Minho rolled his eyes, walking away from her. When he was out of sight she smiled, feeling a little giddy. Maybe finally she could help her brother come to terms with his feelings...



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