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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏

Kira stood in Mingi's kitchen with a cup in her hand, and her other hand on the fridge handle. Looking inside the fridge for something to drink, but all she saw were a mixture of water and some kinds of sodas.
Opting for a soda Kira put the cup back before grabbing a can, opening it with ease. As soon as she went to take a drink she heard someone knocking on the door. Seeing as everyone else was there it could have been only one person.
She watched Mingi walk across the hall towards the front door, when he opened it he was met with the dual-haired boy. Hongjoong just looked at the male with a small smile, but Mingi's face never changed.
"Come in."
Mingi was curt, which only led to Hongjoong believing that they knew already. With a sigh he walked into the apartment, making his way into the living room where all of the other guys were sitting. No one said a word as Hongjoong walked over to the loveseat on the opposite side of the couch where the others were sitting.
Looking around Hongjoong didn't see the girl anywhere, which meant that she didn't want to see him. He also didn't miss the glare he was getting from both Yunho and Wooyoung or the disappointed look in San and Jongho's eyes. Seonghwa wouldn't spare him a glance while Yeosang shook his head softly.
He went to speak but the words caught in his throat as he felt the weight of the situation. He knew he messed up big time and that there was no coming back, but he hoped that he could at least explain. Only the person he wanted to explain it to the most wasn't there. Or so he thought.
"You know I find it really hard to believe that you would do something like that," Jongho spoke up first, his hands folded in his lap.
"And I wanna know why you would."
Wooyoung's voice was bitter and his glare never let up, Hongjoong met his intense gaze. Swallowing thickly he tried to find the right words to explain everything. However, as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, the one person he wasn't expecting to see walked into the room. Kira spared him a glance as she walked over and sat on the arm of the couch, right next to Yeosang.
Hongjoong examined the girl, clearly seeing the exhaustion in her body and the dark circles under her eyes.
"I'm giving you the chance to explain Hongjoong, don't lie this time." Her voice was emotionless.
The dual-haired boy felt a pang in his chest, both from her usage of his full name and how she sounded so emotionless. He inhaled deeply before opening his mouth.
"What you saw was true, Aera and I went way back." He started, his gaze staying on Kira, "mostly due to our families, we were friends, best friends even at one point."
Hongjoong's words sent a punch straight to Kira's gut, but she didn't let it show as she watched him. Wooyoung, however, had to bite his tongue to keep from lashing out at the older male.
"As the years past we drifted about-"
"With all due respect Hongjoong, but get to the point." San interrupted the male causing him to look at San with wide eyes.
Quickly gathering himself, Hongjoong cleared his throat. "When Aera found Kira as a threat at the beginning of their freshmen year she asked for my help, but I wasn't trying to stoop to her level."
"Yet here we are." Wooyoung bit at Hongjoong and Seonghwa bumped his shoulder as a silent warning.
"It wasn't until she offered me something in return at the beginning of this year that I finally took her deal." The dual-haired boy explained, playing with his fingers mindlessly.
"What was her side of the deal?"
"It's a long story..."
"We have all day." Jongho shifted on the couch, leaning back showing that he had all the time in the world to listen. Despite the fact that Yeosang had work at noon.
Hongjoong sighed, knowing that he was going to have to explain everything to them. Whether he liked it or not. Especially if he wanted to gain Kira's trust back as well as the others.
"A couple of years back my mother disappeared out of nowhere without any explanation and I haven't heard from her since. So Aera said that if I helped her with this that she would use her dad's resources to help me find my mom." He went on, eyes shifted between Jongho and Wooyoung, their gazes cold. "I was desperate to find something, anything, out about my mom so I took her deal. I was only supposed to get close enough to Kira to gain some kind of weakness for Aera to use." Hongjoong's voice cracked a little causing Kira's heart to drop.
"So you were willing to use and play with someone's feelings just so you could find your lost mommy?!" Wooyoung exclaimed, almost losing his mind.
"Wooyoung. Enough." Kira's voice was firm and cold as she looked over at the dark-haired boy.
"I didn't mean to get so close... I really didn't, but none of our friendship was fake! I swear!"
"I want to believe you Hongjoong, I really do, but what you did isn't something we can just look past." Kira sighed, running her fingers through her hair, "There were times when I could have been seriously injured, not to mention I met you at my most vulnerable of times and you made me believe that you were my friend."
"I am your friend!" Hongjoong started but quickly closed his mouth when Kira held a hand up.
"Let me ask you something Hongjoong..." Kira felt her mouth go dry at the thought, but she had to know, "Was everything at the party just a setup?"
"No! I had no idea Aera was going to do that!" The dual-haired boy exclaimed, his eyes wide.
Kira watched him closely, but nothing about his tone of voice or body language told her that he was lying. After a few moments of silence, the purple-haired girl let out a sigh catching the attention of the others.
"Alright, fine I believe you." Kira looked the boy up and down before meeting his eyes once more, "I forgive you-"
"Kira you can-" Wooyoung started only to be cut off when Kira held her hand up and the dark-haired boy just looked at her with a disappointed look.
Hongjoong looked at her with hopeful eyes, getting her to forgive him was step number one. However, he knew that gaining her trust once more was going to be a challenge in itself.
"That doesn't mean I trust you, that's something you're going to have to prove." Once those words left her lips Wooyoung could feel his body relax a little, he knew that gaining Kira's trust back wasn't something that could be done easily, let alone overnight.
The dual-haired boy looked at Kira with slightly wide eyes, he wanted to hug her and apologize a million times over. However, the eyes of the boys around her told him that he wouldn't even make it past the first few steps.
Kira then stood to her feet walking towards him which surprised him and the others. When she got close enough to him Kira laid her hand on his shoulder before bending to be face-to-face with Hongjoong.
"However, if you try anything behind my back again I won't be so forgiving next time." Her tone sent a chill down his spine, her eyes boring into his with nothing but warning and anger.
Hongjoong nodded, interlocking his fingers together to keep the shaking to a minimum. Kira then patted his shoulder before moving away from him. The girl knew she wasn't going to be able to hold her anger any longer so she just made her way towards the balcony door. No one said a word as they watched her open the sliding door and walk out onto the balcony. When the door was fully shut the guys then turned their attention back to the dual-haired boy.
"She's not the only one you'll have to worry about if you pull some dumb shit again," Wooyoung said with an almost sinister smile on his lips. Hongjoong just bit the inside of his cheek keeping the younger's eye contact witless dying to get out of the room.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

9:06 a.m.

well we figured out why
 Hongjoong did what he did


the guys know now
well evidently they
 knew way before now

thats not all that surprising tho
that one guy you were talking
about jongho or whatever
sounds pretty smart
not to mention that blondie
was listening to our convo a
while back

that is true

but why did he do it??

I guess he made a deal with Aera
if he helped her with getting info on me
 that shed held him get info on his mom
 that disappeared a few years ago

his mom disappeared??

I guess

what are you guys gonna
do about him now??

I think I'm going to see if he
 will help with this whole
 Aera project

how can you be so sure
that he wont go and
snitch to Aera??

I cant be 100% sure thats why
 hes gonna get the bare minimum
and hes gonna be watched
 almost all of the time

isnt that illegal?

could be
but we arent taking
 it to those extremes


I need to get back in here
 and see if hes willing to help

how do you think the
other guys are gonna
react to that?

tbh they'll probably
think Im crazy

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Are you out of YOUR GODDAMN MIND!!!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he stood from his seat on the couch looking at Kira like she had three heads.
Kira looked at him before raising her hand up towards him, her pinky and ring fingers down. A sign that they'd talk about it later which caused the dark-haired boy to sit back down reluctantly.
"I'll do anything you ask, just tell me." Hongjoong was eager to try and prove that he was on Kira's side but to some of the guys it seemed like he was a little too eager.
"Now that you all are involved in this I need time to work everything out, so let me try to split all this up then I'll let you know," Kira explained to which Hongjoong nodded.
The dual-haired boy went to go say something else but was cut off by the sound of someone's phone going off. He pulled out his phone seeing a message from his father causing an imminent sense of dread to fall over his body.
"I've gotta get to the office my dad needs me," Hongjoong explained and Kira just nodded, motioning to the door.
"I have to start heading to work, so I should probably get going." Yeosang sighed, pushing himself to his feet, Jongho right behind him.
"I can drop you off, it's on my way back home."
"Thank you."
Yeosang smiled softly before the pair made their way to the front door. However, during all of this, no one noticed the tall blue-haired boy looking at his phone. Fear filled his eyes as he looked at everything on his phone.
'No... how'd they find all of this?!'



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