Chapter 6: Betrayals

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Stormy clouds echoed above as the castle landed sturdily on a nearby moon. The distress signal pinged loudly as the paladins hurried to the broken down ship littered over the surface. With a helmet of my own I can finally leave this blastid castle. Space welcomed me as I took a few steps outside. 

Y/N: "So who are these people? I thought we were going to the Balmera?"

LANCE: "You really need to hang around on the bridge more, you're a part of the team."

PIDGE: "Once we leave this place, you should stay on the bridge with us, be apart of the action. You're smart and know more about space than most of us."

CORAN: "But to answer your question, we don't know who these guys are yet, we got a distress call on the way to the balmera, so Hunk is going to fix it and we'll be gone in a jiffy."

Y/N:*whispers to Pidge* "what is a jiffy?"

PIDGE: *whispers back*it's Coran language." 

After a long conversation about parts and Zarkon, Nimah and Lance have run off somewhere, I honestly haven't been listening at all, mostly because I find it very hard to concentrate after not having to for 16 years. 

SHIRO: "Hunk, we're going to get going soon, but I think Rolo might have some information that could be helpful to us."

HUNK: "Not for nothin' but I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him. I think we ought to leave him with the box parts and just say, 'Adios, amigo-'"

Why would you throw him, and what is Adios amigo?

KEITH: *Whispers* it's an expression people use, and adios amigo is another language from the planet we come from."

He must have seen the confusion written over my face, I blushed at the softness of his voice in my ears. 

Y/N: "T-thanks, mullet." 

KEITH: "I have a name you know?" He lets a smile escape onto his lips but quickly whips it away, back into the bottle he keeps.

Y/N: "I know, but mullet is much more appropriate for you. Don't you think?" I look up at him, his eyes lighting up a little, they're not as sad anymore. 

KEITH: "Fine, but only you can call me that, don't get the others saying it, okay?" 

Y/N: "I promise, mullet." I can't help but smile and he quickly turns away to go help Hunk. I watch as Lance and Nimah escape in the blue Lion. 

HUNK: "Oh, Lance..."

ROLO: "Ah, let them have their fun. Thanks to you, this thing is just about ready, so we're going to be on our way soon. Too many light years on this guy, I guess." Hunk eyes Rolo as his suspicion creeps up on him.

HUNK: "Yeah..."

Staring at my surroundings, everything seems so peaceful, even though there is no breathable air on this moon, and a broken ship has littered over the serene surface. The peace comes to a holt for me, as my head spins, eyes begging for relief from the burning sensations spreading over them as I exit from reality, into the realm of my mind. 

I see an image, this time not from a memory of anyone's. It's Lance, he's tied to a tree and now Keith... He's firing at the one's we're helping and they're negotiating with... the Gulra. This time I quickly come back to reality, my head still pounds but I know the 'vision' has ended. I stop leaning against the ship and my knees give way again. I plumet to the ground, head held gently in my shaking hands.

HUNK: "Y/N! Are you okay? Hey! Speak to me. Is everything alright? Y/N?" I open my eyes, slowly to see the softness of concern in his eyes. I feel a wave of guilt swarm over me for making him worry. Or should I say them, Shiro and Keith also come over. 

The Forgotten PaladinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora