Chapter 50: Uncovered Truths

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"So... you've finally returned." The voice brought chills through me, slowly, I turned around to face what had been merely a memory buried amongst my own mind's corruption. She was like a hologram, barely even visible, but I could see her crown sparkling in the muted light around us. 

Y/N: "Queen Everett." I got down on one knee, bowing to the person I used to call my planet's protector. 

EVERETT: "What purpose do you have to break your sacred banishment and return here?" Her white eyes, stared through me, as icy as the tone she used towards me. 

Y/N: "I returned to find out more about myself, about my past and what I've forgotten." I could feel my heart racing among the many feelings I felt, this was my last chance to find out what I'd lost, but my Queen was standing in the way. 

EVERETT: "Have you really forgotten your past?" I rise from the ground, hearing her cold question, but I can feel pain, she's pained to see me, to see my face. 

Y/N: "You feel pain when you see me, what did I do to earn such an emotion from you?" Her expression changes to slight surprise, "Seems I'm right." She breathes deeply, the stony cold look returning to her translucent appearance. 

EVERETT: "Your banishment was not pardoned even after our planet fell into ruin, leave. Now." 

Y/N: "I'm afraid I can't do that. I have to find out what I came to find, I have to... I have to protect this universe." I clench my fists, remembering how helpless I have felt in the face of danger. 

EVERETT: "I sense your determination. I know you won't give up, and if that is the case, then you must defeat yourself first." She begins to walk closer to me, her hand reaching out. 

Y/N: "What-" Before I can finish she taps my forehead, sending ripples of magic through my head. When I open my eyes, everything around me is different. I see a shadow in the distance, standing amidst the foggy stars, "Who's there?" I call out, the shadow turns around and I can see that it's me. But her appearance is corrupted, her eyes a deep shade of red, the runes on her skin that are blue on mine are a blood red mixed with black on hers. 

SHADOW: "You seek answers?" She steps closer, drawing her blade, which is intertwined with evil vines, thorns gripping to the edges.

Y/N: "I do, is that something you can help me with?" I draw my own blade, palms shaking with the pressure. 

SHADOW: "Not in the way you would want." Suddenly, she's in front of me, I barely countered her attack, the impact of the collision pushing me backwards. Her laugh echoes through the seemingly endless mind scape. 

Y/N: "Who exactly are you?" 

SHADOW: "Isn't it obvious? I'm you, just... the best part of you." Her smile is corroded, corrupted by evil, by the galra. 

Y/N: "You're not the best part of me, you're evil. You're tampered with. You're not me."

SHADOW: "Oh, but you're wrong. I'm the voice in your head that told you to fight Lotor," she walks closer to me as she talks, "the voice that told you to fight Zarkon, and that witch." Now she's inches away from me, her sword gripped in her hand, her eyes a whirlpool of red and black. 

Y/N: "No. You're lying." I lunge at her, our swords clash again, she laughs manically, evil venom seething from her hands. 

SHADOW: "That's right, that's the evil side of you, let it out!" She yells, her sword crashes against mine again. I fall backwards, feeling rage well up inside me, I slowly get up. 

Y/N: "You don't control me, I make my own decisions." My hands shake around my blade. 

SHADOW: "Is that why you stole power from your planet's core?" 

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