Chapter 45: Lost ends meet

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As time passes by, the paladins go on their missions, growing stronger as a new team of Voltron, but I can't help but feel that something is off. Hours pass and this feeling just grows stronger. 

ALLURA: "Y/N, can you check the castles defence system down in the core generator?"

Y/N: "On it, Princess." 

I walk down to the core generator, the large, glowing orb as bright as ever. It's been quite some time since I caused that explosion down here, I'd like to think my powers have grown since then. I cross the bridge over to the control panel, the screen's statistics look normal. 

Y/N: "Everything is aligned and steady, Princess."

ALLURA: "Great, thanks for the help."

Y/N: "No problem." I take out my ear piece and head for the training deck, where I spend more and more time nowadays. 

The gladiator whirrs up from the ground steadily, and I hold my blade in stance. It lunges towards me, and I counter it, our blades colliding with a loud crash. 

After an hour or two passes, I shut it down, slumping on the ground. Something feels off, like I'm not fighting properly. I can't quite explain it, but it feels like I'm not seeing everything properly and not responding fast enough. Maybe I'm missing something. 

Y/N: "Start training sequence 17." The gladiator whirrs back to life again, its blade as sharp as ever. 

This time I try to be more nimble on my feet, but that only leads to more disaster as it slashes my leg and I fall backwards. Next I try having two blades, but that leads to a large amount more bruises and cuts over my arms and legs. I sigh, my breath heaving and unsteady. It lunges towards me again, I grasp my blades with my shaky hands, this time, it's like time slows down, and I know what I should do. 

I close my eyes, and suddenly everything is crystal clear, as clear as daylight. My blade counters the gladiator once, twice then again. My eyes remain closed and I dodge its attacks, sliding past it and slashing it in the back. I hear it keel over and crash into the ground. The artificial voice saying: "Training sequence ended."

I open my eyes, slumping to the floor again, reconnecting my blades and sheathing it. I look at my arms and legs, bruises and cuts covering them. This is what I get for training I guess...

I stand in the shower, letting the hot water wash over me, stinging every open cut and bruise. The water helps clear my mind, visions and memories that have been trying to take over being washed away by peace and serenity. I step out, hauling fresh clothes back on, I glance in the mirror. I stagger back as I see my reflection. The marks that once stopped at my neck have... begun to spread onto my face, weaving across my skin, round my head, connecting as a bundle of vine- looking marks at the top of my head. I quickly dry my hair, letting it hang over the edges of my face so it covers the marks. 

It's not so bad, I mean, the paladins didn't think I was a monster when I showed them before... but now it's on my face, how did this happen? Why?

I drag my feet back to the bridge, sneaking into Keith's chair as the others seem deep in conversation. 

I've been avoiding most of the missions recently and just spent time waiting to see if I can find Shiro. I've tried using my powers, using tracking devices, using sonar technology. Nothing. It's like Shiro isn't here anymore. Like he's just gone. But something tells me he's close by, like he never left. I just can't place the feeling. 

 The paladins rush out on another mission, leaving me and coran waiting anxiously in the castle. 

Y/N: "Coran, what was Altea like?"

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