Chapter 14: Secrets unkept

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We've been traveling through a star system for quite some time now, waiting to see the 'space base' as lance would call it.

As we move closer and closer to our desired destination, something inside me begins stirring, an ominous kind of stirring. Not like hunk stirring his new found recipes, more like the kind of unsettling stirring in your stomach after being thrown through space.

I can't tell what it is but my flight or fight response, Pidge taught me that saying, is going crazy, telling me to run and hide.

I haven't mentioned this to any of the paladins, I can't quite figure out why I feel this way so I keep it to myself.

Panic rises in me but I try to suppress it by picking at my hands, which makes it worse.

I cross my slightly singed legs and hold my heavy head in my hands.

I've been sitting here for what feels like a quintent, I move my hands away, but when I look at them, suddenly I'm horrified.

There's blood. All over them. I stifle a gasp, trying not to alert anyone else, I stumble awkwardly out of the bridge and run to my room.

Am I hallucinating? Why am I bleeding?

I look at my once charred arms, but they're now covered in open cuts and blackened bruises.

I fall to the floor, the cold marble scraping my knees, the heavy air tightening its grasp around my throat.

Suddenly, the floor isn't sparkling marble, it's cracked, stained metal, piercing my knees. I manage to tear my eyes from my arms, and I scream as the cell I once knew so well envelopes around me, the walls caving in, trapping me, the cold, metal bars laughing at me.

I hear footsteps, clanging against the floor, this time I'm afraid, this could be my fin beating, but not in a good way.

I gasp for air as I fall out of my chair, it's soft arms falling from my grasp as I hit the floor. I breathe but air escapes me, my mind is spinning and I can hear people speaking but not what they're saying.

I feel someone's hands on my shoulders, shaking me but all I see is a blur of colours.



a voice yells in my ears but all I hear is ringing.

Eventually the world fades back and I see the face of the voice. Keith's worried expression seared into my brain.

Y/N: "Hi Keith..."

KEITH: "What happened? Is everything okay?" i stayed silent, watching his eyes travel across my face, "Do you need me to get Coran and Allura?"

I didn't say anything, I couldn't, i felt tears prickling the back of my eyes, a warm feeling spread through me. He must have seen my watery eyes because his expression deepened.

KEITH: "Y/N, what happened?"

Y/N: "Don't worry about it, it was just a nightmare."

I lifted myself from the floor, gently pushing his hands from my shoulders.

I walked as quick as i could out of there before i could hear him say my name. The door shut behind me, I felt that same ominous feeling take over and my arms shook with a hot shudder.

Something terrible was about to happen...

 Hello the few who read this, I'm sorry for being absent for so long! My writing is a little blotchy and all over the place in this chapter because i havent written it for so long, but i hope you still enjoy it! Any tips or ideas would be appreciated if you have any, have a great day! 

The Forgotten PaladinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora