Chapter 20: Quick goodbye

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Tears pricked my eyes, the world spun and

Suddenly nothing seemed real. It wasn't me, it couldn't have been me, could it?

Reality swooped back and my head throbbed more than ever before, I could feel pain and sadness swarm my heart, agony spreading through my veins.

I thought back to that letter, my vision, it all made sense. It really was me...

I wasn't just taken by the galra, I was banished from my home...i really am a monster.

Everything I was told my whole life was true, maybe I should have stayed in that cell. None of that matters right now, I have to stay focused on Voltron, if these stupid visions or memories could just leave me alone.

ULAZ: "Welcome to the blade of marmora communications base Thaldycon. Now, if you'll free me, I need to send a message to the leadership. They need to know I've made contact with Voltron."

ALLURA: "go with him and keep an eye on him. I'm staying here."

HUNK: "Oh, can we go!"

PIDGE: "I want to see how they make a space pocket!"

LANCE: "You guys go ahead, I'll hang back and protect the princess." He smiles smugly at the princess and I slap my head in disappointment. 

ALLURA: "Ugh" She rolls her eyes and turns away. 

We head over in the red lion, speeding towards the revealed base. 

ULAZ: "This is the gravity generator that creates the space time fold that hides the station. It was created by a reclusive genius engineer names slav. His technology allows the blade of marmora to remain hidden while we work to take down the galra empire. Zarkon would do anything to get this hands on this technology." 

KEITH: "There are Galra out there that aren't loyal to Zarkon? "

ULAZ: "We thought expanding the Galra Empire would bring stability. We learned too late, a tyrant doesn't seek stability, only power. With out members working on the inside, planning coordinated attacks with Voltron, we may finally have a chance."

HUNK: "So, you have agents working within Zarkon's ranks?" 

ULAZ: "How do you think you got away from Zarkon in that last fight? Do you think those sheilds around Zarkon's command centre went down on their own? We've got people risking their lives in this war, just like you."

PIDGE: "If you have people on the inside, can they tell me where my family is? They were taken the same time Shiro was." 

Or maybe my sister, if she survived...

ULAZ: "I knew others from Earth were captured. I never saw them, but I have some records of Glara prisoners here I can transmit them to your ship."

KEITH: "What's that weapon you carry?"

ULAZ: "It's a ceremonial blade that each member of our order carries."

KEITH: "Hmm, nice. Huh?"

Alarms blare, red lights flashing all around.

ULAZ: "Oh, no! You were tracked!"

LANCE: "What? Us?"

KEITH: "If Zarkon knows we're here it's because you ratted us out."

HUNK: "It's another one of Zarkon's robot beast- ro beasts!"

SHIRO: "We have to get back to the ship."

ULAZ: "Shiro, wait. These are instructions on how to reach the Blade of Marmora headquarters. Before you go there, find out how Zarkon is tracking you. If you lead him there, our entire underground network, everything we've spent centuries building, will be lost."

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