Chapter 58: Kral Zera

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KEITH: "Y/N? Can you hear me?" His voice breaks the vision, Lotor's twisted face shattering like glass. "Hey, hey it's okay." His hand brushed the tears from my eyes, which I hadn't noticed started to fall. He pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me, soothing my racing heart. 

Y/N: "I saw Lotor..." I mumble as he releases me, keeping his hands on my shoulders as he gazes intently into my eyes. 

KEITH: "In a vision? What happened?"

Y/N: "It was him, he was the one who ordered the destruction of my home. My people. He killed them." I held back tears, a lump growing in my throat as I shut my eyes.

KEITH: "That bastard, if I had known, I would have taken you with me to the blades, instead of leaving you vulnerable to him." He looked angry, his arms tightening on my shoulders. 

Y/N: "It's okay, no one knew, but now, we have to go the Kral Zera." I gently place my hand on his, soothing his anger. 

KEITH: "Are you sure you're up to this?" 

Y/N: "Positive, besides, I have you, O mighty one to protect me." I smiled, slowly walking towards the pods. 

KEITH: "Of course, I shall keep you safe your highness." He bowed as he followed me, chuckling to himself as he grinned. 

We approach the isolated asteroid, contaminated by Galra technology, asteroids colliding around it. 

IILUN: "That's our target. As soon as it docks, we go." We enter through the ceiling of a nearby galra cruiser, landing swiftly on the ground, wearing a blade of marmora suit is comfier than it looks. We open a nearby door, small boxes behind it. 

Y/N: "Are you sure this is going to work?"

KEITH: "Trust me." We climb into the boxes, crouching so we're covering by the blanket of darkness, soon enough galra sentries carry the boxes we're stowed in up to the galra cruiser.  I hear a clicking sound as my box lands on the ground, the impact shaking me slightly.  A door closes close behind us, using my blade I cut open a side of the box, climbing out of it. 

ILLUN: "Good tip, earthling." Suddenly, a weapon loads behind us, we turn around, blades steady in our hands. We're tense as the galra soldier stands with his gun pointed at us. He slowly lowers it, and we relax. 

SOLDIER: "Follow me." 

We follow him into a control room, the door shutting. 

SOLDIER: "This shaft will take you directly above the bridge."

ILLUN: "Thank you, brother."  Then a voice echoes through from another room. 

RANVEIG: "The Archivist is taking too long to start the ceremony." 

KEITH: "The Archivist?"

SOLDIER: "Hurry." We jump up into the vents, crawling slowly, stopping to listen to Warlord Ranveig's conversation. 

RANVEIG: "If he waits much longer, the empire will descend into chaos." There's a pause as we lie, holding our breaths in the vents, "Make ready for take off."

We lie in the vents above Lord Ranveig as he moves to the bridge, listening in on his doings. 

RANVEIG: "The archivist has made the summons. Set a course for planet Feyiv. It is time for me to burn with the glory of the Kral Zera. And take my place on the galra throne." 

KEITH: "Kral Zera... Planet Feyiv? What exactly is going on?"  

ILLUN: "This is our time to strike. We will bring the Galra Empire down." 

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