Chapter 63: Cosmic chase

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Keith and I run into the black lion, speeding out from the castle towards the pod edging away from our grasp. 

Y/N: "Keith, are we sure this is a good idea?" I lean against his chair, watching his arms tense as he leads us towards the pod. 

KEITH: "Whether that's Shiro or not, he has Lotor, we have to find them." His voice is shaky, but his heart is set on this, whether his intentions are for Lotor or Shiro. He opens up a transmission, his hands shaking, "Shiro, it's Keith! Shiro, it's gonna be okay. We just have to-" Then the line goes dead, 'Shiro' ended the transmission. 

Y/N: "It's okay, Keith. We'll get him back." I open up the comms with the other paladins, their worried voices crying out. 

HUNK: "I can't shake them! Help!" 

PIDGE: "Keith!" Instead of chasing the pod, he pushes the thrusters and we rush to help the troubled paladins. We arrive just in time, Pidge inches away from being blasted by one of Lotor's ships, the black lion shoots a countering blast, deflecting the ray from hitting the green lion. 

KEITH: "Guys, we're no match for them in our lions. Form Voltron!" Voltron stares down at the three comet- born ships, standing ominously amongst the debris of planet daibaazal. 

Explosion erupt throughout the galaxy as Voltron is chased through the many stars, blasts from Lotor's ships echoing through the empty chambers of space.  Voltron continues chasing after the pod, with Lotor's generals following in pursuit. Keith pushes on the thrusters as we spin through blasts, dodging and twisting between each one. Suddenly, the three ships fly in front of us, firing their blasts into one concentrated beam directly at Voltron. Our shield deflects it, but the pressure pushes us into the debris, we land on an asteroid orbiting the remains of Zarkon's planet. 

CORAN: "I'm headed your way."

KEITH: "Coran, no! The castle of lions barely survived the first time we fought one of those ships. You'll only--" Keith grunts as the pressure from the blast slowly seeps through Voltron. 

ALLURA: "Keith is right, Coran, the ship's defences will never hold!" The bright, purple blast slowly pushes us further against the asteroid, our shield shaking beneath the pressure. 

PIDGE: "We can't take this much longer!"
LANCE: "Do you guys have any ideas?!" Everyone's voices are shaky, the immense pressure of the blast pushing against us like the weight of a star. 

Y/N: "Coran, fire just below our position."

CORAN: "What?"

Y/N: "Destroy the rock we're pinned against. Now!" I yell through the chaos of lights. A blast from the castle fires just below us, giving us the leeway to escape the pressure. 

KEITH: "Lance! Pidge! I need you to get us some cover." 

LANCE: "Right!"
PIDGE: "On it!" 

They fire all around us, destroying the debris and causing explosions, as Voltron continues flying forward, desperate to find that pod. 

KEITH: "Who's got eyes on Shiro?" Suddenly, the ships fire some kind of lazer at us, keeping us from moving any further, restricting Voltron's arms and legs, like we're tangled in a net. They pull us backwards, finally letting go, but only so we hit hard against an asteroid, Voltron crashing against it, sending waves of dust everywhere. 

PIDGE: "What just happened?" I keep my grasp firm on Keith's chair, trying to keep standing through all the shaking and falling we went through. "Is that?" We all look up to see a large, purple circle in the distance. 

LANCE: "A wormhole?"

KEITH: "They're trying to escape."

ALURRA: "Haggar." Her voice is filled with dread and hatred. "It has to be Haggar. She must have gained the ability, but how?"

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