Chapter 17: The black Paladin

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Y/N: " Zarkon, this ends now..."

ZARKON: "Indeed it does. For you."

He raises his sword higher and I barely dodge its mighty cut before it clangs to the ground.

CORAN: "Y/N! Get out of here now! Shiro we need you now!"

SHIRO: "I'm on my way, just hold on!"

I grab my sword from the sheet and I charge forward dodging falling debris.

Y/N: "You are a monster! You've taken so many lives!"

ZARKON: "Have you not done the same?"

I scream and run forward plunging my sword towards him, he fights back with his sword. Sparks fly as our swords crash together.

ZARKON: "You can never defeat me, Soon enough Voltron will be mine."

Y/N: "I won't let that happen."

His sword breaks mine in half and I see scarlet, burning blood seethe from my arm. I groan in agony as I barely dodge another slash.

SHIRO: "Y/N I'm coming to get you!"

Y/N: "It's not over yet Zarkon, I won't stop until you've paid for what you did."

Before I know it I'm taken by the black lion along with Keith in his lion.

I watch as his menacing silhouette fades through a wormhole.

ALLURA: "alright paladins, time to get out of here"

HUNK: "hello? What's going on? I don't see a wormhole!"

CORAN: "The galra barrier is blocking our ability to make one! They have us completely surrounded!"

Suddenly, the barrier goes down, we stare in shock.

PIDGE: "what just happened?"

HUNK: "Who cares? Wormhole!"

We begin to move through the wormhole but a magical beam of power cuts through the portal and it turns an evil purple colour.

SHIRO: "Coran, what's happening?"

CORAN: "The integrity of the wormhole has been compromised, it's breaking down!"

LANCE: "What does that mean?"

CORAN: " It means we have no control over where we're headed!"

Everyone is sent flying out of the castle of lions, we break out of the wormhole, shattering the sides of it.

My side is still seething in pain but I stumble through to the cockpit where Shiro is desperately trying to control the lion.

Y/N: "What's happening Shiro?"

SHIRO: "I've lost control of my lion, we're plummeting through space!"

Y/N: "wait there's a planet up ahead, but we're not slowing down..."

SHIRO: "Y/N hold onto something!"

I grab his chair and cling to it as we crash into the hard surface.

We're completely stranded on an unknown planet. 

Y/N: "Shiro, are you okay?"

SHIRO: "Yeah, takes more that falling out of a corrupted wormhole to kill me." He groans as he forces the words from his mouth. 

Y/N: "Shiro what happened? You're injured!"

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