Chapter 49: Farewells

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 It's been a few days since Keith and I went on the mission, Voltron has continued to help refugees find new, safe homes, whereas I have been searching databases for the location of my planet, Comar. Keith has been pulling further away from the group, going on more missions, I can see he just wants Shiro to be leader again, but all the group sees in Keith, is a bad leader. 

KOLIVAN: "The fact that the Galra are using decoy ships proves that there is something larger going on. We've been tracking shipments of this new quintessence. It's running along a previously unknown route," a hologram of a planet illuminates in front of us, "Which we partially identified here. We believe the next stop could be in the Karthan- Sigma Quadrant." The hologram moves to another system, zooming in on a planet, "Keith, you'll need to get onto the ship undetected and set a series of explosives." 

The mission went ahead as planned, while the paladins continued to assist refugees, Keith became more and more of a stranger to the castle, as did I. I managed to find intel from Kolivan, using the location where he found my sister, I managed to locate a general system of planets where my home used to be. All I had to do now, was go find it. 

Every time Keith and I crossed paths with the paladins, their faces were sullen and longing. Keith walked away, his mask covering any emotions he could be feeling, following Kolivan on another mission, I followed them, I may not be a blade but Kolivan recognised my worth and allowed me to help, which felt refreshing. Everything has been going smoothly with our missions, no run- ins with Lotor, no more injuries. The Galra may have fooled us once, but we won't be fooled again so easily. 

KEITH: "I'd say that went pretty well." We made our way down the corridor of the castle, towards the bridge.

Y/N: "I agree, but the others may not be so pleased with us."

KEITH: "You're right, but this is what we need to do, I need Shiro to connect with his lion and you... well you never told me actually." He paused, stopping to look at me, I stopped walking.

Y/N: "Well, when that happens, and you leave, I'm leaving too." His eyes open wider, shock written all over his face.

KEITH: "Leave? But where are you going?"

Y/N: "There's something I need to find. But, it won't take me too long, so when I finish, I'll come find you." 

KEITH: "Don't you want to stay with the paladins?"

Y/N: "Not really, I don't have a use here, and if you aren't here, then I really don't have a reason to stay. I need to find my own way to help." He stepped closer to me, wrapping his arms around me as he leant forward. 

KEITH: "I'll miss you, but as long as you stay safe and come find me afterwards, I won't have to worry too much." He leans back, keeping his hands on my shoulders, his eyes are sad, but hopeful. 

Y/N: "Let's go face the others, the longer we wait, the worse it'll get." He nods and we open the door to the bridge, the paladins stand there waiting. 

KEITH: "Guys, we..." Before he can finish, we look up and see their stony faces, anger in each of their eyes, or disappointment, "We heard what happened. We're sorry we weren't there to help." 

ALLURA: "You keep saying you're sorry, but your actions say otherwise. Do you realize that your absence put the team in jeopardy?" Her voice is strained and irritated, but yet again, they don't care that I wasn't there, which emphasises my lack of use here.

LANCE: "And not just the team, the refugees as well." He seems just as irritated, crossing his arms.

PIDGE: "Matter of fact, the entire quadrant was in danger." 

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