Chapter 54: Old Conversations

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After using information given by Lotor, Voltron has been able to wipe out countless Galra bases, the Empire taking a large hit. I spent a couple hours in the healing pod during that time, whatever happened after looking into Shiro's memories took a tole on my health, physically and mentally. Whatever it was, has made me incredibly jumpy, like I'm always on edge, waiting for something. 

Having Lotor in the castle, even in a cell, makes me incredibly uncomfortable, the thought of a manipulative monster like him just waiting for a moment to strike brings me fear. I've been avoiding any conversation with him, so resting in the lounge and training is my only solace. 

HUNK: "Oh man! Going on missions is a lot easier when someone gives you all the information you need before you get there." The paladins and I are all siting in the lounge, Shiro standing, strong and assertive. 

LANCE: "And yet, you still managed to run your lion into a wall." 

HUNK: "Yeah, information is one thing. Ability is something completely different." 

SHIRO: "There's no doubt about it, we haven't encountered a single problem. "

ALLURA: "I must admit, we took down a vital target today."

PIDGE: "And we made it look pretty easy, except for the getting buried in lava part." 

SHIRO: "It may be time to consider taking the next step." I clench my fists, they're playing right into Lotor's hands. 

ALLURA: "I'm still not comfortable with this. It just doesn't feel right." 

SHIRO: "Y/N, we need you for this conversation with Lotor." 

Y/N: "What? Why?"

SHIRO: "Since you know him, you may be able to see through his words, see his intentions." 

Y/N: "Fine, but don't expect me to be friendly." 

Shiro, Allura and I head towards the elevator that heads down to a single cell, where Lotor is being held. Lance runs up behind me. 

LANCE: "Wait Y/N!" He yells, I turn around, stopping, "Are you sure you're okay with going down there?"

Y/N: "No... but it's for Voltron. I have to." 

LANCE: "If he tries anything..." 

Y/N: "Don't worry, he can't do anything." 

LANCE: "Still, that guy makes me uncomfortable.."

Y/N: "I won't let him hurt any of you, so keep your mind on nicer things."

LANCE: "Like what?" I raise my eyebrows, looking from the princess to him. He blushes, I quickly run up to Shiro and Allura before he can say anything. 

We head down the elevator, blue lights illuminating as we get further down, crossing a catwalk to a single, isolated cell. 

SHIRO: "You're intel checked out." I make sure to stay behind Shiro, Lotor's mere presence making my chest tighten. 

LOTOR: "You still feign surprise," an evil grin spreads on his face, "All of the information I've given proven correct. Every target I've provided, easily dispatched. Yet you still look at me--"

ALLURA: "As if you were the leader of the most bloodthirsty race of murderers this universe has ever known." 

LOTOR: "Can people not change? Is it so hard to believe that I wish to return the Galra Empire to a bygone era of peace? Our fathers were friends once, long ago. There must be hope for us." His tone seems sweet and honest, but underneath is a conniving bastard. 

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