Chapter 61: New findings

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 We continued making our way around the creature, I pushed out the memories of the visions I saw and enjoyed the scenery. We watched as something that resembled a shooting star crashed on the surface of the creature just ahead. Running over to the crash site, small, blue fireflies floated around, I moved leaves out of the way and saw a small wolf, surrounded by vicious monsters. Keith and I quickly killed the monsters, saving the strange cosmic wolf.  Keith took a liking to it, cared for it, fed it, and it soon became like part of the small family we were on this creature. Every once in a while, the strange light would engulf us once more and visions of the past and future would attack us. Mine was the repeated memory from that day, the day in that court room, where death consumed my planet. I saw glimpses among my own visions of Keith, standing by his father's grave, of all he went through without his mother, without anyone. Seasons changed as we moved through the quantum abyss, we'd created a small camp for ourselves over the months that passed, I became accustomed to the visions, to the tears that ran recklessly from my eyes  every time. Keith attempted to play fetch with the cosmic wolf, but he showed no interest. Weather changes brought rain, snow and strange acid rocks that fell from nowhere, but we were comfy in our small cave, a fire roaring night and day. We soon learned that the cosmic wolf can teleport, and he grew a strong liking for the three of us, mostly Keith, who secretly loved him just as much. Days merged into nights, we fashioned instruments from wood and twine, playing to our hearts content. 

KEITH: "Y/N, what do you see when the light passes?" His questions was abrupt, I fidgeted with my hands. 

Y/N: "Well, uhh, nothing important." It was a bold faced lie, but I didn't have a choice, he'd see me as the monster I was. 

KEITH: "Are you sure? You can't hide your tears from me." He stepped closer, placing his hand under my weary, tear strained eye. I leant into his hand, feeling comforted by his words. 

Y/N: "I think it's best I keep what I saw to myself, for now." I smiled, he sighed, but understood and pulled me in for a hug. We pulled apart when we saw Krolia running over. 

KROLIA: "Keith, Y/N, I think.... I think we've made it." I looked up to see the strange dark hole that I'd gazed upon from a far two years ago, now right in front of me. 

KEITH: "It's been two years. We can finally finish our mission." We made it, sparkles of light surrounded us as we passed the entrance, blue light emanating from the once dark hole. 

When we came out the other side, a large, red planet emerged from the darkness. 

KEITH: "Look, a planet." 

KROLIA: "I'm picking up some readings." My head began to throb when I saw the planet, visions of the statue I once saw, gaunt, lifeless people, then Alteans. I grasped my head as I fell to my knees. 

KEITH: "Y/N!" He ran to me, lifting me into his arms. "What happened?" 

Y/N: "I have a bad feeling about this, something's not right." 

KROLIA: "The readings I'm picking up are similar to those of the quintessence Ranveig found, Y/N may be right." 

We landed on the planet, a galra base of some kind on the surface, dead, thorny branches jutting out of the planet's surface. 

KROLIA: "This is the source of the readings. Let's go check it out." We break through the ceiling panel, I ready a ball of lightning in my hand just in case, it lights the way through the dim lit corridor. 

 KEITH: "How are you doing that?" He looks at my hand, the red lightning swirling. 

Y/N: "That's a story for another day." 

We walk towards a door, I open it, on the other side is something I never expected to see again. A field of juniberries. 

KEITH: "What is this place?" 

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