Chapter 59: Bloodlines

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Back at the Blade of Marmora base, a new mission has come to light, after the end of the Kral Zera, Lotor was officially the new Emperor of the Galra. 

KOLIVAN: "This base was, until recently, run by the Galra commander named Ranveig, who was developing a superweapon of some sort." A picture of Ranveig and his base appeared on the screen, "We're not sure of the weapon's specs,  but we do know that it is incredibly powerful."

KEITH: "How did we learn all this?" 

KOLIVAN: "We have a spy in Ranveig's camp who's managed to aquire high- level security clearance.  Since Ranveig's departure, it's possible she assumed control of the base, but we can't be sure." 

Y/N: "Why not?"

KOLIVAN: "We're not the only ones who know of the weapon. Two Galra factions, led by commanders Trugg and Ladnok, are at war over the territory. Since their fighting began, all communication has been cut off."

Y/N: "So we need to infiltrate the base?"

KOLIVAN: "Precisely, we need to extract our spy and destroy Ranveig's weapon. Keith, Y/N, this is of the utmost importance. If either faction aquires this weapon, it could tip the balance of power in their favour. So you cannot allow your feelings to cloud your judgment." 

KEITH: "We wouldn't-"

KOLIVAN: "You have in the past. Remember, the mission is the only thing that matters. Emotions are a luxury we cannot afford. This is the operative you'll be contacting." A picture of a female, dark, purple hair and piercing yellow eyes appears on the screen, she looks familiar. 

Y/N: "What's her name?" 

KOLIVAN: "Her name is Krolia." 

Keith and I approach the fire fight in a Galra fighter, sneaking swiftly past the beams of quintessence firing from galra cruisers. 

KEITH: "looks like things have escalated between Ladnok and Trugg." 

Y/N: "Best to try to blend in with the debris. Don't want to attract any fire."

KEITH: "Here goes nothing." He flies through the battle field, weaving in and out of cruisers and shots firing through space.  Explosions erupt from all sides, shaking through the air. We barely get out of the way of a cruiser exploding to pieces nearby, we finally make it out the other side, heading towards the planet hiding in the distance. Suddenly, a piece of debris cuts off one of the wings, sending us spiralling towards the planet, alarms blaring as we descend rapidly. He pulls the thrusters up, desperately trying to keep us upward, he manages to get the other thruster online, keeping us barely floating instead of hurling towards our demise. We skid just above the surface of the planet, dust billowing off it, we hit the surface, causing us to flip and turn, everything goes dark. We quickly get out of the ship, running out to see explosions hitting the surface around the base. 

We get into the base, running swiftly through the dark halls, alarms sounding as sentries make their way around. Ducking behind a wall, we peer out to see the person we're looking for, Krolia, accompanied by 4 Galra sentries, guns ready. She pauses, looking behind, we quickly get behind the wall, she continues walking. Following them, using the dark corners of the base to hide, Keith draws his blade, holding it against the neck of Krolia, who foresaw this and held her gun facing him. 

Y/N: "Wait, that's the person we're here for!" I grab his arm, moving his blade away. 

KEITH: "Krolia." She looks at his blade, then lowers her gun, surprised to see us. 

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