Chapter 12: A second goodbye

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Hearing voices echo through the halls, is definitely enough proof that this castle is haunted. At least that's what the others think, except Pidge and Shiro of course, me included, if ghosts existed, I'd be one by now. 

Since the others seem to have no common sense, those of us who don't believe the castle is haunted are convinced it has something to do with the gulra tech's crystal that infected it's integrity. 

PIDGE: "There has to be some way to stop the weird things that have been happening." 

LANCE: "What like an exorcism?" 

HUNK: "Why don't we just build a new castle? I mean, the ghosts own this place now." 

Y/N: "Hunk, don't be ridiculous, we don't have the time or resources to build a whole new castle with Zarkon trying to take over the universe." 

CORAN: "Y/N is right, besides my old pop made this place, took him years to finish it." 

This debate went back and forth until it was only Pidge and Lance left, knowledge versus a guy who has the mental capacity of a bean most of the time. 


One thing we have managed to fix was the gladiator, or so we thought. Everyone was doing their thing, no one wanted to stay and watch over Sendak except Shiro and I. I admit it was very creepy and boring but something in my heart told me to stay, or something in my gut was pulling me towards the feeling of impending doom looming near him.

SHIRO: "You don't have to stay here you know."

Y/N: "I want to, I don't trust this monster in the castle. He's almost as bad as Zarkon himself." 

SHIRO: "Can I ask you a question?" 

Y/N: "Depends what it is but, go for it." 

SHIRO:" Why won't you tell the others where you grew up?"

Y/N: "Do I have to answer that?" He turns to face me, something like frustration buried underneath the cover he makes to make us feel safe. I want to stay silent but his eyes look so trustworthy and sincere I can't.

Y/N: "Fine, because I'm worried of what they'll think. What everyone has thought my whole depressing life." 

SHIRO: "Like what?" I want to retort back with a comment along the lines of 'that's two questions' but I decide to just answer.

Y/N: "Monster." I feel him stifle a gasp or sigh, I can't quite tell what it was. I look to meet his gaze, pity dancing through it. 

SHIRO:" Y/N, no matter where you grew up, what you've done, we're a team okay? We would never hate you for something you couldn't control." Guilt wells in me, that nightmare I had, I could've stopped it. I could've saved her... Why didn't my power summon then? 

Tears threaten in my squinted eyes, I stare at the floor, clenching my strained fists as my sharp nails dig into my  charred hands. He must notice the emotion rip through my heart as he places his hand on my shoulder once again. I thought he was about to lecture me but I look up at him and he smiles.

SHIRO: "It's okay, whatever happened to you, whatever guilt you carry, is now our guilt burden to carry. Okay?" 

I try to nod but I knew if I did, the tears would explode and I think I've embarrassed myself far too much for one lifetime. 

SHIRO: "You don't have to wait here with me, you can go rest. You seem to be troubled recently, sleep could do a whole lot of good." 

Y/N: "I-I would rather stay here. Sleep isn't necessarily my friend."

We stand in silence, but a comfortable silence as we both watch, waiting for his mind to give in, give in the information that could help us put an end to Zarkon's rein. 


Hours pass, dust settles over the glistening surface of the castle floor. I find the floor more comfortable, it's where I've been sitting for the last 3 hours. It's surprising how much time can pass when you're anxiously waiting for an evil monster to let go of the information you need. 

I must've fallen asleep after another hour of waiting because a voice rings in my ears, rattles my heart; fear rippling through me as my eyes open to remember where I am.

Y/N: "Shiro, did you hear that too?" 

SHIRO: "Yes. Whatever is happening I don't like it." 

SENDAK: "Oh of course, the monster, even without your blindfold, you still cannot realise what you are." 

SHIRO: "What is her talking about Y/N: " I furrow my eyebrows, clench my eyes shut, wishing it all away, wishing I was in another vision or a dream. When I open my eyes again Shiro is still looking at me, concerned, Sendak's maniacal laughter filling the room. 

SENDAK: "The champion, we're connected, you and me. Both part of the Galra empire."

SHIRO: "No! I'm not like you!" 

SENDAK: "You've been broken and reformed. Just look at your hand."

SHIRO: "That's not me!" 

SENDAK: "It's the strongest part of you. Embrace it! The others don't know what you know. They haven't seen what you've seen. Face it. You'll never beat Zarkon. He's already defeated you!" 

Y/N: "Shiro he's wrong! I've seen it too! We will defeat Zarkon!" 

SENDAK: "Do you really think a monster like you could be a Voltron paladin?"

SHIRO: "Stop it!" He clutches his head in anguish, his veins popping with tension in his head.

Before I can think my hand is on the eject button. Air rushes through the pod and Sendak's voice is only a memory. 

Y/N: "Shiro, Shiro, listen to me. It's going to be okay. He's gone now." 

Seconds later the other paladins rush in to the room, Shiro calmer now, my hand steady on his shoulder this time. 

PIDGE: "Shiro are you okay?" 

KEITH: "Where's Sendak?" 

SHIRO: "W-We had to get him out of here. His voice... He.... He can't be trusted on this ship. Y/N was right." 

LANCE: "It's the ship! I got stuck in a cryo pop, then, in an airlock. Keith got attacked by the gladiator AGAIN and Hunk and Pidge got attacked by food. It's been a weird morning." 

Alarms flash, the ship is making a wormhole jump. Everyone rushes to the bridge, fear pulsing through each of us. 

SHIRO: "Allura, wake up"

CORAN: "The crystal must have corrupted King Alfor's artificial intelligence. It's taking over!" 

PIDGE: "We're headed straight for a star and it's about to explode!" 

ALLURA: "Father, I can see Altea."

CORAN: "Allura! Allura! Wake up! What you're seeing isn't real!" 

ALLURA: "IS this real?" 

KING ALFOR: "Of course it is real, daughter. That..." 

The rest filters out into the ringing of my ears, dizziness sweeps over my head as it heaves over me. I try and stay in reality, clutching my head in my burnt hand. 

A memory of some kind floods through my head, a shack, overlooking acres of desert, baren land stretching farther than you can see. The inside is homely, two people holing a baby in their arms. A galran? I look closer, the child looks so familiar, I look up at the galran. 

She looks so familiar too. But a human and galran having a child, it's unheard of in this universe.

A name comes to me. A memory of my own.


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