Chapter 26: The lost are found

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SHIRO: "We need to form Voltron and go through the storm." 

LANCE: "The storm? What are you, nuts?"

HUNK: "Yeah, w-what do you mean? Yeah, why would we do that?"

SHIRO: "It's risky, I know, but it's our only chance. We have to go through the storm, then lure Zarkon's ship away, giving Allura some time to get into open space."

ALLURA: "Then, what?"

SHIRO: "Then, we wormhole away. Coran, remember how you said getting this castle to wormhole is impossible? Well, I need you to do the impossible."

The paladins rush to their lions, bravely going head to head with Zarkon's main fleet; Whereas I stand, alone in the corner of the bridge, unable to help. Allura is entirely focused on keeping us steady in the storm, I rack my brain for things I could do, but nothing comes to mind. 

I know giving myself up to Zarkon wouldn't mean anything to him, so that's a no, causing another explosion for more power could destroy us all if I don't control my power well enough. And Coran, well, there's not much I can do for him. 

CORAN: "In order for this to work, each remaining lens-stone will need to take the equivalent of five beams! There's no way it can hold that kind of power! The whole thing will explode."

Something unsettling sits in my heart, like there's somewhere I need to be but I can't get there. I see something, a vision of Shiro, he looks like he's in pain, his mind overtaken by something evil. Panic arises in me, I need to get to him, but how? 

Once I open my eyes I realize I'm no longer in the castle of lions. I'm in the black lion, standing behind Shiro. 


KEITH: "What's going on?"

HUNK: "My lion!"

SHIRO: "Zarkon... Zarkon's taking control of the black lion again! Fall back!"

I look at Shiro, he looks tense, afraid. I place my hand on his shoulder. 

SHIRO: "Y/N, how did you get here?" He looks shocked at me. 

Y/N: "Oh, yeah I forgot about that..." Somehow I forgot that randomly teleporting somewhere is in fact not normal. Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore, visions, lightning, teleporting. None of it.

ALLURA: "Paladins, now's your chance! Get out of there!"

SHIRO: "I forgot how intense Zarkon's connection to the black lion is. We have to keep our distance, or risk losing Voltron. Let's disband and get back to the castle/"

Y/N: "Don't worry Shiro, if Zarkon does that again, I'll be here."

SHIRO: "I'm still confused when and how you got here, but thanks Y/N, it means a lot to know I'm not alone."
Y/N: "It feels like he's in your head doesn't it, reading your thoughts, and replacing them with scary ones."

SHIRO: "Yeah, how did you know that?"

Y/N:" I grew up on a galra cruiser, I know more than you know."

We all empty out into the castle, running back to the bridge. (I try to stay far away from Allura.)

KEITH: "Why haven't we wormholed yet?"

CORAN: "Because we can't! We're missing several scaultrite lens-stones! They've shattered! Gone! Don't exist! Sloven day ho! That's altean for gone."

PIDGE: "Wait, did you say Scaultrite? I've seen that somewhere before. I think Hunk was making some terrible cookies from that stuff!"

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