Chapter 16: Dark secrets

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DRUID: " you... so you finally returned. Monster."

KEITH: " What is he talking about?"

DRUID: "At last, I can finish the job Zarkon never finished!" He lunged towards us, flaming balls of magic emanating from his calloused, boney hands.

Y/N: "Keith, get out of here, I'll deal with the druid!" I dodged another attack as Keith tumbled past another jar of quintessence.

KEITH:" I won't leave you here! Pidge, we need an extraction. NOW!"

PIDGE: " Be there in a few tics, just hold on!"

DRUID:" I see those marks on your arms have finally returned, showing just how much of a monster you truly are." Another wave of dark, harmful magic bursted from his palms, burning the side of my arms as i barely escaped its burning power.

The bandages wrapped over my burned arms singed off and the blue, intertwining marks were revealed. Keith gasped,staring in shock, I grabbed my dagger lunging towards my foe. He faded away and appeared behind Keith, holding a ball of magic to his neck.


Y/N:" Stay still, I'll find a way out of this."

DRUID:" You were always too weak, your emotions fail you yet again, just like they failed you with-"

Y/N:" Shut up! You know nothing!"

DRUID: " Seems I've hit a nerve there."

I couldn't fathom an option to get away, I knew if I moved an inch, the druid would end Keith's life, but if I let the burning feeling take over like on the balmera, I could hurt Keith in the process...

Y/N:" Pidge, we really need that extraction." (Whispering into com)

PIDGE:" I'm working on it, just wait."

DRUID: "How are you going to save this weak human if you couldn't even save her."

KEITH: "What is he talking about?"

I could feel rage building up, burning through my blood, through my veins.

Y/N: "I didn't have a choice."

Lighting bellowed from above, a Laser shot through the druid, the green lion finally made it. Keith slumped slowly to the ground, gasping for long sought air.

Y/N: " Keith! Are you okay?" I rushed to his side, assisting him from the ground.

KEITH: "Yeah, how did that druid know you?"

Y/N: " Come on, we need to go."

PIDGE: "You two really should have listened to Lance"

KEITH" Hah, yeah, the only smart thing he ever said."

Y/N: " oh come on, give him some credit, threatening to shove you into a wormhole was pretty smart."

KEITH: "Dont, he'll get a big head."

LANCE: "I'm flattered Y/N, at least one person has some real taste."

Y/N: " Don't get too cocky now."

PIDGE: " Enough bickering children, we still have a mission to carry out."

SHIRO: "Pidge get ready, we're coming in hot!"

PIDGE: "On it!"

The green lion bolts towards the galra cruiser.

KEITH: "Y/N, are you alright? You're bleeding a lot."

Y/N: "yeah I'm fine, it's not bad at all."

LANCE: "Uhh Y/N, that's definitely bad, you're losing a lot of blood."

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