Chapter 57: Unsettling Feelings

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The sky around me a deep deep red, splattered with shades of blue and orange as stars scatter above me. Descending down the hidden, secluded elevator down the levels of the base, lights slipping in and out of view as the floors pass the window. I can feel my head throbbing with all that I've seen, all Shiro has said, where I saw him in that strange place. My eyes brimming with hot tears, stinging the back of my eyes, shadows of memories descend in my mind, bringing twangs of sadness with it, confusion and sorrow. 

When the elevator stops, I stare at the ground, stepping out, questioning my reasoning for returning here, whether Keith will even be here or want to see me. What will I even tell him? As I turn the corner, I'm met by a familiar shadow, of someone I've longed to see, tears streaming down my face, unable to keep them at bay. 

KEITH: "Y/N?" I meet his eyes, worried and confused, I can't help but leap into his arms, hugging him, sobbing with despair and confusion, "Y/N, what's wrong?" I don't respond, I can't respond, he gently pats my head as I lean into his chest, "It's okay, I'm here." We stand quietly in the dark hall of the base, gently embracing each other's company. 

After a little while, I'd calmed down, my tears running dry, I looked up, he smiled softly, wiping the tears from my face. 

KEITH: "Come on, let's get you warm, then we can talk. Okay?" His kindness would have made me cry again if I had any left, so I nodded and he guided me into a room. He sat me down on a bed, while he boiled a small kettle in the corner of the room, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around my shoulders. My eyes wandered around the small, dark room as he poured boiling water into a dark red mug, the room was mostly bare apart from two photos, a photo of Keith and his family, and the next was the paladins, Coran, Allura and I. I picked up the photo, glancing at Shiro's smiling face, he was so different before, before the battle with Zarkon. I couldn't help but feel tears I didn't know I had drip from my eyes, I watch as they fall softly onto my shaking hands. Keith gently takes the photo away, placing a warm mug in my hands instead, he kneels on the ground, resting one hand on his knee as he looks up at my sullen face. 

KEITH: "You're crying again, what happened?" I feel my hands shaking as he speaks, my heart shattering at the thought of the paladins, Shiro, and how I walked out without a word. "Y/N, are you hurt?" I shake my head, I feel no need to tell him Zarkon stabbed me, the pain I felt overwhelming to think about, "I heard you killed Zarkon, did he hurt you?" I don't respond, instead I look away, I can't find the heart in me to lie to him. I slowly nod, he sighs. 

KEITH: "Where did he hurt you?" I can feel my entire body shaking with anxiety, but I muster up the words. 

Y/N: "He stabbed me, in my side." 

KEITH: "He stabbed you? That bastard. Does it still hurt?" He places a hand on my hand, soothing the incessant shaking. 

Y/N: "A bit, but I spent a while in the healing pod." I manage to stop my tears, letting the warm mug heat up my hands. 

KEITH: "I'm glad, just tell me if you're in pain." I look back into his eyes, which are filled with concern and something else I can't quite tell what. 

Y/N: "I'm sorry for wasting your time, I'm sure you have a lot of missions." 

KEITH: "Actually, today is my rest day, you wouldn't be disturbing me regardless." He chuckles slightly, making sure the blanket is around me tight, "But, why are you here? I can tell something happened." I take a deep breath, trying to figure out where to start. 

Y/N: "It's about Shiro." 

KEITH: "Shiro? What about him?" He seemed startled by my words, keeping a firm hand on mine. 

I explain all my ominous feelings, and what I saw in his head, how I saw him in that strange plain, and how he has been acting completely different.

Y/N: "I didn't know who else to come to, the castle was becoming too overwhelming to be in." 

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