Chapter 53: Thunderstorm

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HUNK: "Guys, look over there!" The paladins looks to their right, a large pillar rising from the ground of Naxzela, alarms sounding around them. 

LANCE: "Uh... guys, what are those?" His voice shakes as more pillars rise.

PIDGE: "We've never seen anything like this from the Galra before." Shadows from the pillars loom ominously over  Voltron. 

HUNK: "Are they weapons?"

PIDGE: "They look like some sort of generators." 

SHIRO: "Say alert." 

LANCE: "I say we get outta here. Pidge, plot a course for our escape." 

SHIRO: "Hold on, we should find out what these things are."  As pillars rise all around the planet, way above the height of Voltron, power generates at the top of each one, suddenly, the energy generates across the pillars into one massive shield, covering every inch of Naxzela. Leaving Voltron trapped. 

HUNK: "This can't be safe." 

ALLURA: "Do you feel that? That wave of darkness." As if one cue, a huge wave of energy blasts through, like gravity was pressing down even harder, rendering Voltron helpless. 

LANCE: "I can't move red!" 

HUNK: "Yellow won't budge either." Voltron falls onto its knees, the pressure making it give in. 

SHIRO: "Y/N we need you now!" when no response came he repeated, "Y/N!" Still no answer, "Coran where is Y/N?!" 

CORAN: "Something's wrong with her! She screamed and now she's unconscious!" 

SHIRO: "That can't be good..." Suddenly, the coms go dead, the interference too intense. 

The vines continue to squeeze, thorns digging into my palms, my legs, my neck, everything begins to go blurry, oxygen becoming a rarity in my lungs. All I can think about is the paladins, the blade of Marmora, the coalition. I vowed to help them, to use my powers the best I could, but now, I'm helpless again. I can't do anything. I open my eyes, my vision blurring, I see foggy images of the paladins, defending themselves in the core of Naxzela, I see Keith, flying in a Galra fighter alongside the coalition, then I see Haggar... she's.... she's turning Naxzela into a bomb! I have to get out of here! I have to help them! I'm not a prisoner anymore, I have my freedom, I have a family and I need to protect them. How do I get out of here? 

The vines tighten around my neck, squeezing the last of the energy I had, I watch as my sight becomes smaller and smaller, at the last moment, I have a vision, the future, I see Keith, flying towards the weapon on the cruiser, ready to give his life to deactivate it. Anger rises in me, i clench my fists, feeling blood dripping from my hands, my eyes open, my vision as clear as daylight, I can feel my eyes glowing, red, purple, swirling as one. The vines begin to shake, the mind scape cracking around me, shattering like glass as lightning shocks every surface. As the vines disintegrate, I come back to reality, gasping for air as I look around at blasts coming from every direction. 

CORAN: "Oh thank the ancients! You're okay!" He helps me off the ground, worry creasing his face. 

Y/N: "I have to get out there, it's Haggar, she's performing some kind of ritual!" 

CORAN: "Where are you going?" He yells after me as I run out of the bridge.

I blast out of the ship, using my jetpack, I recently discovered my Comarian blood means I ca exist in space normally, without a helmet. I land on a piece of debris. I watch as Keith gets closer and closer to the shield, my heart rate rapidly increasing, my palms sweating. 

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