Chapter 48: Code of Honor

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A  lot of thoughts have consumed me lately, some scarier than others to think about. One of them being, whether I should leave the paladins and find my home planet. I thought maybe if I could find it, I could find out more about myself, my family, and why I was banished. I know it was destroyed, but maybe the structure of the planet is still there. Wherever it may be.

The paladins landed on the surface of Olkarion after escorting ships of refugees to safety, joyful sighs parading on the refugees' faces.

HUNK: "What a workout!"
Y/N: I wish I had a lion so I could come help you guys."
LANCE: "Maybe there's like a rainbow lion somewhere out there." He laughs at his own terrible joke, ruffling my hair as he walks past.
HUNK: "Or a white lion or something."
PIDGE: "Yeah, right."
HUNK: "What? I'm just saying you can never have too many lions."
We start walking away, back to the castle of lions, Hunk following slowly behind.

The paladins and I stand on the bridge, Coran facing us all with great purpose.
CORAN: "Okay, everybody, today, we'll be heading to Reiphod, a planet recently liberated from Galra forces."
KEITH: "This is embarrassing. We're basically the grand marshal of a parade."
CORAN: "Not a parade. A show of arms!" Coran tries to flex his not existent muscles, he'd probably have better luck flexing his moustache.
PIDGE: "Whatever it is. This is the second one of these we've done just this week."
ALLURA: "I know it's not exactly battling the Galra, but believe it or not, this helps us boost morale and strengthen alliances."

LANCE: "Right, right, strongholds, blah-dy blah-dy blah. Now I say we go over our lion choreography one more time. I don't want a repeat of what happened last time, Hunk." 

HUNK: "I thought my lion had more room." I chuckle, Lance giving Hunk a nasty look. 

KOLIVAN: (on screen) "Shiro, my apologies for interrupting, but this is an urgent matter. A galra supply ship has been spotted passing through Quadrant Omega Raylar Six. "

SHIRO: "What's it doing so far from the normal supply routes?" 

KOLIVAN: "We can't be certain, but taken together with the fact that Lotor hasn't been seen in quite some time," Since he stabbed me, not a very pleasant memory, "and the emergence of this new form of quintessence, we feel compelled to investigate. Normally, we would wait for better intel but I believe we should act on this now." 

SHIRO: "I'll send Voltron to intercept." 

KOLIVAN: "An infiltration mission makes more sense. We can plant a tracker and see just how far the supply route extends. With all the Galra activity as of late, my agents are spread thin." 

KEITH: "Not anymore. Count me in."

LANCE: "Hey, what about our performance?" Lance crosses his arms, irritated at the thought of missing out on their brilliant show. "We can't razzle dazzle the crowd with just four lions." 

KEITH: "This mission is more important than a show of arms, Shiro?"

SHIRO: "How long will it take?" 

KOLIVAN: "Not long, but we must act fast or we risk the ship jumping to hyperspace." 

SHIRO: "Go. But when you're done, meet us on Reiphod." 

The paladins move away from the conversation so I take my opportunity to talk to Kolivan before he ends the transmission. 

Y/N: "Kolivan, before you go, can I join the mission?"

KOLIVAN: "You're not a blade, I'm afraid it's not possible."

Y/N: "I know Galra ships better than any of you, and Lotor and his generals. I don't act on emotion, you knew my sister, I can do this mission."

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