Chapter 37: Black Out

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Our only hope of defeating Zarkon, dead in space. Will we ever defeat him? Or will his reign of terror continue for another 10,000 years.

ALLURA: "Paladins! Shiro! Can you hear me?"

SHIRO: "Yes, princess, we're alive."

CORAN: "Oh, thank the ancients!"

Y/N: "Is Voltron operational?"

HUNK: "It's not working."

KEITH: "I can't move my lion."

CORAN: "You've been hit with some kind of witchcraft that draws the quintessence out of you. You need to get out of there! Another blast like that and you may not survive!"

ALLURA: "Y/N, where are you going?"

Y/N: "To take out that witch myself." I start running down the hall, gripping my sword tightly in my sheath as I hold onto a small booster. Before anyone can stop me, I exit the castle, speeding towards the ship.

LANCE: "Wait, what's that?" An ominous shadow emerges from the ship, armour glistening darkly in the abyss of space. The stars fading into the background, the shadow's evil aura consuming all light around it.

ALLURA: "You must get moving. Remember your training. Remember all the battles you've been through."

SHIRO: "Voltron's still not responding."

Y/N: "It's Zarkon." I utter the words, fear gripping me as I speed closer to the ship.

ALLURA: "Y/N, get out of there! He'll kill you!"

KEITH: "Y/N, what are you doing?" I keep going towards the ship, using my jetpack to get closer.

ALLURA: "We must buy them all more time. Get us in closer. Divert all power to our weapons system." There's a pause as I slow down, landing on a piece of debris nearby. I look towards Zarkon, then to Voltron. Allura breaks the silence, "You are true paladins now. Connect with your lions, reach out to each other! Fight! This cannot end now! Fire!" A blast shoots towards Zarkon, reflecting off his armour, he fires back, the castle shakes with the impact.

Y/N: "I'll buy you guys some time, bond with your lions!" I charge towards Zarkon with all my might, unsheathing my sword. It clashes against his, the noise echoing through the chambers of space.

ZARKON: "You. I thought you would have died by now."

Y/N: "I'll only die, once your reign has ended!" I bring my sword down again, crashing against his armour, he is pushed back, landing on another piece of debris.

ZARKON: "You cannot defeat me. You don't even have a lion!"

SHIRO :"We are the last thing standing in the way of Zarkon's total universal domination. I'm not giving up that fight! Are you, Hunk?"

HUNK: "No." The yellow lion roars to life.

SHIRO: "Pidge?"

PIDGE: "Never!" Now the green lion roars with green energy.

SHIRO: "Lance?"

LANCE:" Let's go down swingin'." The blue lion responding to Lance's emotions, roaring with might.

SHIRO:" Keith?"

KEITH: "I'm all in." The red lion following suit and roaring with life.


Y/N: "I'll never back down."

SHIRO: "Then let's get Voltron back in this battle!"

Y/N: "I don't mean to rush you but I need some help here." Zarkon leaps forward, his bayard almost cutting my arm. I dodge, jumping backwards.

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