Chapter 25: Mistrust

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It's been a while since our escape, most of the paladins are resting after the intense cascade of events. I've been sitting in Pidge's chair on the bridge for a couple hours now, just rereading the letter over and over, staring at the stick, turning it over and over too. I turn to look at Allura who is staring out at space, anxiously tapping her foot. Over the last few hours, I've been trying to get the courage to go talk to her but the last few days have been a little weird with her, so I've kept my distance.

Shiro walks through the door, looking at Allura, I sink into the chair, hoping he doesn't see me.

SHIRO: "What are you doing here? You should be resting."

ALLURA: "I can't sleep. Zarkon is out there. He's searching for us."

SHIRO: "I know how you feel, but you have to step away for a while. It's what's best for everyone."

ALLURA: "You're right, I'll try to rest, at least for a little while." She walks out the door, giving me another strange look as she leaves. 

Shiro is now the one standing, looking out at the vast space around us; he clenches his fist, I can sort of feel his frustration.

Y/N: "Something bothering you again, Shiro?" I walk over to him, still holding the letter and stick in my shaking hands.

SHIRO: "Seriously, how do you do that?"

Y/N: "Do what?" I smile smugly at him.

SHIRO:" For one, knowing when something's wrong with any of us, and managing to blend in."

Y/N:" What can I say, the Galra trained me well." Shock erupts on my face, I look at Shiro who is looking at me. "I-I mean-"

SHIRO: "The galra trained you? I knew you were imprisoned there, but for how long?"

Before I could answer the alarms blare, we stare at the menacing presence of Zarkon's main fleet.

Y/N: "I told you something wasn't right! Coran defences now!" I run to Pidge's chair, getting up the coms and yelling for the Paladins. Allura runs onto the bridge, looking more frazzled than before. 

ALLURA: "We are several galaxies away. How could they find us so soon?" She looks at me, seemingly anger seething in her eyes. I see her ignore it and focus on the impending problem at hand. "Particle barrier up! Coran, are you there?"

CORAN: "I'm here!" He slips and slides around, bumping into every surface possible.

ALLURA: "Zarkon is back! What's our status?"

CORAN:" Wormholing will be a problem. The lenses haven't been readjusted, I don't know if the teladuv will generate enough power."

ALLURA: "Do everything you can!"

LANCE: "They found us again? How is that possible? Is that possible? That doesn't seem possible!"

The paladins run onto the bridge, Lance and Keith still in bathing shorts. I ignore the flushed feeling spreading through me. This isn't the time for strange feelings Y/N.

ALLURA: "Right now, we must figure out a way to get out of here."

KEITH: "Or we can stay and fight. Now's our chance. Form Voltron. Enough running!"

ALLURA: "It's too dangerous!"

SHIRO: "Allura's right. We can't take on Zarkon and his entire fleet. Remember what happened at Zarkon's command centre. We shouldn't have escaped if the Blade of Marmora hadn't shut down the shield."

CORAN:" The turbine's up. Still working on the worm-- *scream* Uh, guys, I think I'm realizing now that I do, in fact have a case of the slipperies. I'm sorry I yelled at you Pidge, I may need your help after all..."

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